blob: 54470634121271f7dc0870a6d87cf6068edb63c8 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<variants name="GameTypes">
<variant name="Arc" summary="ARC app classified as Game"/>
<variant name="Borealis" summary="Borealis app"/>
<histogram name="GameMode.Result.{GameTypes}" enum="GameModeResult"
Records events of two types, when they occur. `Attempted` indicates the game
mode of type {GameTypes} is entered. `Failed` indicates the previous attempt
to enter game mode timed out or failed. They will only be recorded the first
time we detect that game mode is entered/failed for each time that game mode
is initially entered.
<token key="GameTypes" variants="GameTypes"/>
<histogram name="GameMode.TimeInGameMode.{GameTypes}" units="ms"
Time spent in a fullscreen {GameTypes} game. Recorded when leaving game mode
(i.e. closing, un-fullscreening, or switching focus away from a game app
which the user is immersed in.)
There are two purposes for this metric:
(primarily) For determining if there is a significant number of users
spending little time in Game Mode. A significant number not in the top
bucket would indicate we need hysteresis to avoid shutting down background
tabs too early. This has a small granularity so we can determine the most
effective cut-off point.
(secondarily) For grasping changes in engagement caused by Game Mode
optimizations. Note that increasing engagement is not necessarily the main
goal. It is to increase FPS and render quality, for which in ARC we have
such metrics - see
<token key="GameTypes" variants="GameTypes"/>