blob: 05bcae56da84b58e77c1dfe5be2b1fe7a3fe7ac2 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of IOS histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<variants name="MXVersion">
<variant name=""
summary="The default MXPayload, only recorded when the app version
number matches."/>
<variant name="IncludingMismatch."
summary="The processed MXPayload may not match the current app's
version. This is very common on app updates, which would
otherwise lead to losing multiple days of MetricKit reports.
Instead, record them here."/>
<histogram name="IOS.Allocator.ShimInstalled" enum="Boolean"
Whether or not the allocator shim was installed successfully. False
indicates an unexpected error at the OS level which merits investigation.
<histogram name="IOS.Annotations.Percentage" units="%"
The percentage of annotations the are decorated against the number of
annotations found.
<histogram name="IOS.AppLauncher.AppURLHasChromeLaunchScheme" enum="Boolean"
This histogram counts the frequency of app launch attempts where the target
app is Chrome itself. This logged once per app launch attempt.
<histogram name="IOS.AppStoreRating.UserIsEligible" enum="Boolean"
Logged once per app foreground. Logs whether the user has met the trigger
requirements for the App Store Rating promo.
<histogram name="IOS.BackgroundTimeBeforeColdStart" units="minutes"
This event is recorded on every cold start app open. The value represents
how long the app was away from the foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.BackgroundTimeBeforeWarmStart" units="minutes"
This event is recorded on every warm start app open. The value represents
how long the app was away from the foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.BringAndroidTabs.ActionOnPrompt"
enum="IOSBringAndroidTabsPromptActionType" expires_after="2024-02-28">
The action taken by the user after the Bring Android Tabs prompt is
<histogram name="IOS.BringAndroidTabs.ActionOnTabsList"
enum="IOSBringAndroidTabsTabsListActionType" expires_after="2024-02-28">
The action taken by the user in response to the Bring Android Tabs Tab List
<histogram name="IOS.BringAndroidTabs.DeselectedTabCount" units="count"
The number of tabs deselected from the Tab List View of the Bring Android
Tabs prompt. Recorded after the Tab List View is dismissed.
<histogram name="IOS.BringAndroidTabs.PromptTabsStatus"
enum="IOSPromptAndroidTabsStatus" expires_after="2024-02-28">
The result of prompting the set of tabs for an Android switcher. Recorded
after the set of tabs are prompted.
<histogram name="IOS.BringAndroidTabs.TabCount" units="count"
The number of tabs imported from Android for Android Switchers. Recorded
when the Bring Android Tabs prompt is displayed.
<histogram name="IOS.CaptivePortal.SecureConnectionFailed"
enum="CaptivePortalStatus" expires_after="2023-10-16">
The result of a captive portal check triggered by a failed secure
connection. Logged once per failed secure connection.
<histogram name="IOS.ColdStartBackgroundTime" units="msec"
This metric is obsolete as of M105, because the max bucket did reach the
desired hour-level granularity. IOS.BackgroundTimeBeforeColdStart is the new
This event is recorded on every cold start app open. The value represents
how long the app was away from the foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.CommittedNavigationHasContext" enum="Boolean"
When a navigation is committed, it should have a non-null NavigationContext.
This histogram counts the frequency of this invariant holding at the time
when a new navigation is committed. It is used to verify the effectiveness
of code fixes because this issue is not currently reproducible in testing
( True means a non-null NavigationContext is
<histogram name="IOS.CommittedURLMatchesCurrentItem" enum="Boolean"
When a navigation is committed, the web view URL is expected to match that
of the current back-forward item. WKWebView seems to break this assumption
at times. This histogram counts the frequency of this invariant violation at
the time when a new navigation is committed. True means the URL matches the
current back-forward item.
<histogram name="IOS.ContentExtension.DisplayCount" units="count"
The number of times the Content Extension was displayed since last Chrome
foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foregrounded. Note: events
where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.ContentExtension.Index" units="index"
The index of the URL selected by the user in the Content Extension.
<histogram name="IOS.ContentRuleListProviderUpdateSuccess"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2020-12-31">
When the content rule list provider updates its lists, this can succeed or
fail. Failure occurs when the rule lists are updated again before the first
update finishes.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.ConsentVerifiedCount" units="count"
This histogram reflects the frequency of users enrolling in password
auto-fill for Chrome, by counting the number of times the Consent View of
the Credentials Provider shows up on the screen.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.CopyPasswordCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension user copied a Password since
last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground. Note:
events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.CopyURLCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension user copied a URL since last
Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground. Note:
events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.CopyUsernameCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension user copied a Username since
last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground. Note:
events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.DisplayCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension was displayed since last Chrome
foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground. Note: events where
the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.FetchPasswordFailure" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension password util failed to look up
for a password since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put
in foreground. Note: events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.FetchPasswordNilArgument"
units="count" expires_after="2023-06-11">
The number of times the Credential Extension pasword util was queried with a
nil argument since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in
foreground. Note: events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.IsEnabled.Startup" enum="Boolean"
Logged once per app launch. Logs on startup whether the user had enabled the
credential provider in their iOS settings.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.KeychainSavePasswordFailureCount"
units="count" expires_after="2023-06-11">
The number of times the Credential Extension failed to save a
newly-generated password into the system Keychain since last Chrome
foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.NewCredentialUsername"
Recorded when a new credential is created via the Credential Provider
extension and tracks the username state of the new credential. Reported when
Chrome is put in the foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.PasswordCreated"
enum="IOSCredentialProviderPasswordCreated" expires_after="2023-06-11">
Recorded when a new password is created via the Credential Provider
extension. Reported when Chrome is put in the foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.PasswordUseCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension user selected for a Password
since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground.
Note: events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.QuickPasswordUseCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension selected a Password without
user intervention since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is
put in foreground. Note: events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.ReauthCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension needed user reauthentication
since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground.
Note: events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.SaveCredentialFailureCount"
units="count" expires_after="2023-06-11">
The number of times the Credential Extension failed to save a
newly-generated credential to disk since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported
when Chrome is put in foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.SearchCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension user searched for a Password
since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground.
Note: events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
Recorded when a request to replace identities in ASCredentialIdentityStore
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.ShowPasswordCount" units="count"
The number of times the Credential Extension user unobfuscated a Password
since last Chrome foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground.
Note: events where the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialExtension.StatusDidChangeTo.Startup"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2023-09-17">
Logged once per app launch if the status did changed. Logs the new status
value (enabled/disabled) of the credential provider in the user's iOS
settings on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.CredentialProviderExtension.Promo.Impression{IsReminder}"
enum="IOSCredentialProviderPromoSource" expires_after="2023-09-01">
The impression count for the credential provider extention promo
corresponding to a source of the promo.
<token key="IsReminder">
<variant name="" summary="default impression of promo"/>
<variant name=".IsReminder"
summary="impression of promo shown as reminder"/>
enum="IOSCredentialProviderPromoAction" expires_after="2023-09-01">
The action taken in the credential provider extention promo displayed for
the user event {PromoSource}. If the promo is as a reminder, the histogram
name is suffixed with &quot;IsReminder&quot;.
<token key="PromoSource">
<variant name="OnPasswordCopied" summary="the user copies the password"/>
<variant name="OnPasswordSaved" summary="the user saves the password"/>
<variant name="OnSetUpList" summary="the user selects the SetUpList item"/>
<variant name="OnSuccessfulLoginWithAutofilledPassword"
summary="the user logs in with autofilled password"/>
<token key="IsReminder">
<variant name="" summary="default impression of promo"/>
<variant name=".IsReminder"
summary="impression of promo shown as reminder"/>
<histogram name="IOS.CRWWKNavigationStatesRemoveOldPending" enum="Boolean"
Workaround for a WKWebView bug where WKNavigations can leak, leaving a
permanent pending URL, thus breaking the omnibox. While it is possible for
navigations to finish out-of-order, it's an edge case that should be handled
gracefully, as last committed will appear in the omnibox instead of the
pending URL. This metric records whether there are old navigations to clean
up each time a navigation finishes. See for details.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromo"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
The action taken by the user in response to the default browser promo.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoRemindMe"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
The action taken by the user in response to the default browser promo with
the Remind Me Later button.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoRemindMeSecondPromo"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
The action taken by the user in response to the second default browser promo
after tapping on the Remind Me Later button.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenTailoredPromoAllTabs"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
The action taken by the user in response to the &quot;All tabs&quot; default
browser tailored promo.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenTailoredPromoMadeForIOS"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
The action taken by the user in response to the &quot;Made for iOS&quot;
default browser tailored promo.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenTailoredPromoStaySafe"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserFullscreenPromoAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
The action taken by the user in response to the &quot;Stay Safe&quot;
default browser tailored promo.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.NonModal.OnScreenTime" units="ms"
Logs the time on screen for an impression of a non modal promo. iOS only.
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.NonModal.{Impression}"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserPromoNonModalAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
Logged when an action happens on the {Impression} impression of a non modal
promo. Records the action of the promo. iOS only.
<token key="Impression">
<variant name="FirstImpression" summary="first"/>
<variant name="SecondImpression" summary="second"/>
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.NonModal.{PromoType}"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserPromoNonModalAction" expires_after="2023-12-01">
Logged when an action happens on a non modal promo triggered by {PromoType}.
Records the action of the promo. iOS only.
<token key="PromoType">
<variant name="GrowthKit" summary="GrowthKit opening Chrome"/>
<variant name="Share" summary="sharing a website"/>
<variant name="VisitPastedLink" summary="visiting a pasted link"/>
<histogram name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.TailoredFullscreen.{Action}"
enum="IOSDefaultBrowserTailoredPromoType" expires_after="2023-12-01">
Logged when the {Action} action happens in a tailored default browser promo.
Records the type of promo.
<token key="Action">
<variant name="Accepted"/>
<variant name="Appear"/>
<variant name="Dismiss"/>
<histogram name="IOS.DistantTab.TimeSinceLastUse" units="ms"
The delay in milliseconds between the Tab is opened from this device and the
last time the same Tab was modified on the other device. The 'last modified'
time is not updated when the Tab is opened from this device.
<histogram name="IOS.EditMenu.DismissedMenuOnPage" enum="IOSEditMenuPage"
<summary>Page on which the iOS web edit menu is dismissed.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.EditMenu.Error" enum="IOSEditMenuError"
<summary>Report errors when reporting metrics for web edit menu.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.EditMenu.SelectedAction" enum="IOSEditMenuActions"
The action that was triggered by the user on the iOS web edit menu.
<histogram name="IOS.EditMenu.SelectedActionOnPage" enum="IOSEditMenuPage"
<summary>Page on which an iOS web edit menu action is triggered.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.EditMenu.UpdatingSelectionOnPage" enum="IOSEditMenuPage"
Page on which the iOS web edit menu is dismissed by updating the selection.
<histogram name="IOS.EnterTabSwitcherSnapshotResult"
enum="EnterTabSwitcherSnapshotResult" expires_after="2021-08-01">
Tracks the result of snapshotting when the user enters the tab switcher.
Recorded whenever the user enters the tab switcher.
<histogram name="IOS.ExperienceKitCalendar.Present"
enum="ExperienceKitCalendarTypes" expires_after="2023-09-03">
The type of calendar chosen by the user on the ExperienceKit context menu.
<histogram name="IOS.ExperienceKitCalendar.Success"
enum="ExperienceKitCalendarTypes" expires_after="2023-06-01">
The type of calendar the event was created in using the ExperienceKit
context menu.
<histogram name="IOS.ExperienceKitCalendar.TextClassifierModelAvailable"
enum="BooleanAvailable" expires_after="2023-10-08">
True if TextClassifier TFLite model was available for entity detection for
ExperienceKit Calendar interaction when requested, such as on explicit user
text selection.
<histogram name="IOS.FinishedNavigationHasContext" enum="Boolean"
When a navigation is finished, it should have a non-null NavigationContext.
This histogram counts the frequency of this invariant holding at the time
when a new navigation is finished. It is used to verify the effectiveness of
code fixes because this issue is not currently reproducible in testing
( True means a non-null NavigationContext is
<histogram name="IOS.FinishedNavigationHasItem" enum="Boolean"
When a navigation is finished, it should have a non-null NavigationItem.
This histogram counts the frequency of this invariant holding at the time
when a new navigation is finished. It is used to verify the effectiveness of
code fixes because this issue is not currently reproducible in testing
( True means a non-null NavigationItem is present.
<histogram name="IOS.FinishedURLMatchesCurrentItem" enum="Boolean"
When a navigation is finished, the web view URL is expected to match that of
the current back-forward item. WKWebView seems to break this assumption at
times. This histogram counts the frequency of this invariant violation at
the time when a new navigation is finished. True means the URL matches the
current back-forward item.
<histogram name="IOS.FontProvider.ProductSansRegular.LoadSuccess"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2023-09-23">
Records whether the ProductSans-Regular was successfully loaded in the Font
Provider Api.
<histogram name="IOS.FormInputAccessory.ExecuteFormAssistActionException"
enum="FormInputAccessoryAction" expires_after="2022-12-11">
Reports exceptions when trying to send a form input accessory action to the
virtual keyboard.
<histogram name="IOS.Frame.FirstContentfulPaint.MainFrame" units="ms"
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Contentful Paint. First Contentful Paint is defined as the amount of
time it takes for a page to render a non-trivial element. This histogram
captures the First Contentful Paint time for every main frame. This
histogram's understanding of First Contentful Paint differs from the
traditional understanding because it does not aggregate and compare the
First Contentful Page times across the frames on a page.
<histogram name="IOS.Frame.FirstContentfulPaint.SubFrame" units="ms"
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Contentful Paint. First Contentful Paint is defined as the amount of
time it takes for a page to render a non-trivial element. This histogram
captures the First Contentful Paint time for user's subframes. Due to
WebKit's implementation of First Contentful Paint, this histogram only
captures a subframe's First Contentful Paint if it is same-origin relative
to the main frame. This histogram's understanding of First Contentful Paint
differs from the traditional understanding because it does not aggregate and
compare the First Contentful Page times across the frames on a page.
<histogram name="IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.MainFrame" units="ms"
Replaced by IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.MainFrame2 due to rebucketing.
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for every main frame. This histogram's understanding of
First Input Delay differs from the traditional understanding because it does
not aggregate and compare the First Input Delay times across the frames on a
units="ms" expires_after="2023-03-06">
Replaced by
IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.MainFrame.AfterBackForwardCacheRestore2 due to
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for user's main frame that is loaded from the Back/Forward
cache. This histogram's understanding of First Contentful Paint differs from
the traditional understanding because it does not aggregate and compare the
First Input Delay times across the frames on a page.
units="ms" expires_after="2024-02-27">
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for user's main frame that is loaded from the Back/Forward
cache. This histogram's understanding of First Contentful Paint differs from
the traditional understanding because it does not aggregate and compare the
First Input Delay times across the frames on a page.
<histogram name="IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.MainFrame2" units="ms"
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for every main frame. This histogram's understanding of
First Input Delay differs from the traditional understanding because it does
not aggregate and compare the First Input Delay times across the frames on a
<histogram name="IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.SubFrame" units="ms"
Replaced by IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.SubFrame2 due to rebucketing.
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for user's subframes. This histogram's understanding of
First Contentful Paint differs from the traditional understanding because it
does not aggregate and compare the First Input Delay times across the frames
on a page.
units="ms" expires_after="2023-03-06">
Replaced by IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.SubFrame.AfterBackForwardCacheRestore2
due to rebucketing.
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for user's subframes that is loaded from the Back/Forward
cache. This histogram's understanding of First Contentful Paint differs from
the traditional understanding because it does not aggregate and compare the
First Input Delay times across the frames on a page.
units="ms" expires_after="2024-02-27">
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for user's subframes that is loaded from the Back/Forward
cache. This histogram's understanding of First Contentful Paint differs from
the traditional understanding because it does not aggregate and compare the
First Input Delay times across the frames on a page.
<histogram name="IOS.Frame.FirstInputDelay.SubFrame2" units="ms"
Many features include JavaScript injected logic that run in the WebKit
renderer process. One Web Vitals metric that evaluates user experience is
First Input Delay. First Input Delay is defined as the amount of time
between the a user's first interaction with the page and the page receiving
the input event for this interaction. This histogram captures the First
Input Delay time for user's subframes. This histogram's understanding of
First Contentful Paint differs from the traditional understanding because it
does not aggregate and compare the First Input Delay times across the frames
on a page.
<histogram name="IOS.Fullscreen.State" enum="CrFullscreenState"
Logs when a user triggers a fullscreen state change for Chrome on iOS. The
enumeration indicates the fullscreen state. This is for the web-exposed
Fullscreen API not the fullscreen that happens when users scroll down and
hides the toolbar.
<histogram name="IOS.Handoff.Origin" enum="IOSHandoffOrigin"
This event is recorded each time a Handoff is received by Chrome on iOS. The
enumeration indicates the source of the Handoff.
<histogram name="IOS.Home.ActionOnNTP" enum="IOSHomeActionType"
This histogram is logged whenever a Home action is taken on the NTP.
<histogram name="IOS.Home.ActionOnStartSurface" enum="IOSHomeActionType"
This histogram is logged whenever a Home action is taken on the Start
<histogram name="IOS.InactiveTabs.Settings.Threshold"
enum="InactiveTabsThresholdSettingType" expires_after="2023-10-19">
<summary>Logs the chosen inactive tab threshold at startup.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.Incognito.BiometricAuthEnabled" enum="Boolean"
<!-- expires-never: guiding metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-guiding-metrics) -->
Logged once per app launch. Logs whether the biometric incognito
authentication setting is enabled. This metric is designed to measure % of
users who have the setting enabled by using &quot;group by users&quot; in
<histogram name="IOS.Incognito.BiometricReauthAttemptSuccessful" enum="Boolean"
<!-- expires-never: guiding metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-guiding-metrics) -->
Logged when the user attempt to reauthenticate to display the incognito
tabs. This metric is designed to measure the success of the reauth.
<histogram name="IOS.Incognito.TimeSpent" units="ms" expires_after="2023-10-16">
The time incognito profile is displayed to the user. Incognito sessions
during less than 10 seconds are not reported. Incognito session paused for
less than 10 seconds is resumed. (Incorrectly reported between M92 and
<histogram name="IOS.IncognitoInterstitial"
enum="IncognitoInterstitialActionType" expires_after="2023-10-17">
Logged when the Incognito Interstitial is dismissed, with a value which
depends on what user action led to the dismissal. Before M113, the Cancel
bucket contains all times the Incognito interstitial was dismissed without
opening the URL. Starting M113, it only contains times the user triggered
the Cancel button, and new &quot;Learn more about Incognito&quot; and
&quot;Dismissed by external event&quot; buckets are added.
<histogram name="IOS.IncognitoInterstitial.Settings"
enum="IncognitoInterstitialSettingsActionType" expires_after="2023-10-17">
Logged when the &quot;Ask to Open Links from Other Apps in Incognito&quot;
setting is enabled or disabled by the user.
<histogram name="IOS.IPH.DefaultSite.Presented" enum="BooleanHit"
This metric is obsolete as of M112, it is now recorded in
Recorded when the InProductHelp about the DefaultSite is presented to the
user. Can be used as a base number to evaluate the impact of IPH.
<histogram name="IOS.IsDefaultBrowser" enum="Boolean" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: used internally for filtering -->
Prefer to use IOS.IsDefaultBrowser21 as this metric is based in a 7 days
look back window, which appears to be too small. As of iOS14, users will be
able to set a default browser other than Safari. When Chrome is the default
browser, it will receive all URL opens, which is likely to change certain
stability metrics. Thus, it will be good to filter those metrics by default
browser status. This metrics records whether the user was deemed to have set
Chrome as the device's default browser. This metric will be logged once per
metrics log upload. As long as a link is opened in Chrome in the last 7
days, the user will be considered a default user.
<histogram name="IOS.IsDefaultBrowser21" enum="Boolean" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: used internally for filtering -->
As of iOS14, users will be able to set a default browser other than Safari.
When Chrome is the default browser, it will receive all URL opens, which is
likely to change certain stability metrics. Thus, it will be good to filter
those metrics by default browser status. This metrics records whether the
user was deemed to have set Chrome as the device's default browser. This
metric will be logged once per metrics log upload. As long as link is opened
in Chrome in the last 21 days, the user will be considered a default user.
<histogram name="IOS.IsEligibleDefaultBrowserPromoUser" enum="BooleanEligible"
This metric reports whether the user was deemed eligible to be shown default
browser fullscreen promos. Eligibility currently includes signed-in users,
external intent app opens, clipboard copies, and GrowthKit opens. This
metric will be logged once per metrics log upload.
<histogram name="IOS.JavascriptContentBlockFailure"
enum="IOSJavascriptContentBlockType" expires_after="2020-12-31">
IOS Content Blocking uses special injected Javascript to block access to
things like cookies and local storage. Future changes to iOS/WebKit could
cause these blocks to break. This logs that occurrence.
<histogram name="IOS.LinkToText.ShouldOfferResult"
enum="LinkToTextShouldOfferResult" expires_after="2023-09-03">
The result of conditional disable/enable checking for the Link to Text
feature, including granular failure reasons when the feature is not offered.
<histogram name="IOS.MainFrameNavigationIsInLockdownMode" enum="Boolean"
Records whether Lockdown Mode is enabled for a main-frame navigation action.
This is recorded once for every allowed main-frame navigation action.
<histogram name="IOS.MainThreadFreezeDetection.HangWithCleanExit"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2023-09-12">
Recorded when the MainThreadFreezeDetector initializes. If a hang was
detected on a previous run, it's expected the app will be killed and not
exit cleanly. Set to `true` if the app exited cleanly and a hang was
detected, indicating no watchdog kill and an error in freeze detection.
<histogram name="IOS.MainThreadFreezeDetection.NotRunningAfterReport"
Recorded when the main thread recovers immediately after a freeze report was
<histogram name="IOS.MainThreadFreezeDetection.RecordGenerationTime" units="ms"
The time taken to record a freeze report. Logged immediately after
generating a hang report.
<histogram name="IOS.MainThreadFreezeDetection.RecoveredAfter" units="ms"
The time during which main thread was not responding. 0 if application was
killed before recovering. Logged after an action posted on the main thread
is not executed immediately. The histogram is sent when the task is finally
executed or on next application startup.
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}ApplicationHangTime" units="ms"
<!-- expires-never: guiding metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-guiding-metrics) -->
The durations of time in which the app is too busy to handle user input
responsively. This covers all forms of user input, including all touch
screen input (scrolls, pinches, and taps) and input from any connected input
device such as a keyboard. Logged when a MXMetricPayload is received (one
per day). Each sample corresponds to one hang that happens when the app is
in the foreground and doesn't respond quickly enough to user input. The
minimum observed hang time is 250ms (but this value may change in future
device/OS version). This metric can be normalized by comparing the total
number of hangs or the total time spent hung against the number of clients
emitting to IOS.MetricKit.ForegroundTimePerDay (hangs per users) or against
the total time reported by IOS.MetricKit.ForegroundTimePerDay (fraction of
foreground time spent in hangs). ApplicationHangTime and
ForegroundTimePerDay have the same restrictions about when they're emitted
(opted-in to share diagnostic data with Apple and also opted-in to UMA).
Further, as hangs can only happen during foreground use,
ForegroundTimePerDay makes a good comparison point. Only hangs in the
browser process are reported.
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}ApplicationResumeTime" units="ms"
The amount of time taken to resume the app from the background (not
aggregated). Logged when a MXMetricPayload is received (one per day).
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}AverageSuspendedMemory" units="MB"
The average amount of memory in use by the app when it's suspended. Averaged
on a 24 hours period. Logged when a MXMetricPayload is received (one per
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}BackgroundExitData"
enum="MetricKitExitData" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: guiding metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-guiding-metrics) -->
The reason for the application termination in background. Recorded when a
MXMetricPayload is received from the OS (at most once per day) at
unspecified time. Records cumulative data collected and agregated since the
previous recording. All buckets from MetricKitExitData are available on iOS
14 and higher (unless MetricKitExitData bucket comments specify otherwise).
Note that crashes while in the background are not considered crashes /
unclean shutdowns in UMA stability metrics. This is because the
&quot;CleanExitBeacon&quot; is set when Chrome is put in the background.
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}BackgroundTimePerDay" units="ms"
The total time the app is in the background. Logged when a MXMetricPayload
is received (one per day). This correspond as Chrome running but not having
active scene (i.e. the application just has been backgrounded or is doing
background activity like background music or picture in picture).
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}ExtendedLaunch" units="ms"
The amount of time taken to launch the app until the app UI is ready to
receive input. This measures startup until the same point as
Startup.ColdStartFromProcessCreationTimeV2 but is computed by iOS in a way
that accounts for app pre-warming. The exact adjustments made to account for
pre-warming are not documented by Apple. Logged when a MXMetricPayload is
received (one per day).
This is only recorded on iOS 16+, and recorded only if user opted in for
sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it accounts for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}ForegroundExitData"
enum="MetricKitExitData" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: guiding metric (internal: go/chrome-browser-guiding-metrics) -->
The reason for the application termination in foreground. Recorded when a
MXMetricPayload is received from the OS (at most once per day) at
unspecified time. Records cumulative data collected and agregated since the
previous recording. All buckets from MetricKitExitData are available on iOS
14 and higher (unless MetricKitExitData bucket comments specify otherwise).
All buckets except &quot;App exited normally&quot; are likely user-visible
terminations (this is a guess rather that verified fact).
Application is in foreground is at least one scene is active in foreground.
Picture in picture and background music playing are not considered as
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}ForegroundTimePerDay" units="s"
The total time the app is in the foreground, aggregated over all foreground
interactions since the last time this metric was reported. This is at most a
24 hour period. Logged when a MXMetricPayload is received (one per day).
Application is in foreground is at least one scene is active in foreground.
Picture in picture and background music playing are not considered as
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}OptimizedTimeToFirstDraw" units="ms"
The amount of time taken to launch the app in cases where the launch is
pre-warmed. This is identical to IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}TimeToFirstDraw
except that TimeToFirstDraw considers all launches while this metric only
considers pre-warmed launches. Logged when a MXMetricPayload is received
(one per day).
This is only recorded on iOS 16+, and recorded only if user opted in for
sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it accounts for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}PeakMemoryUsage" units="MB"
The largest amount of memory used by the app since the last time this metric
was reported. This is at most a 24 hour period. Logged when a
MXMetricPayload is received (one per day).
Because this implemented by Apple, we do not know how peak memory usage is
identified (by polling?). We also do not know if this covers background
usage. We also do not know if the period only includes background usage
whether this is going to be reported.
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MetricKit.{MXVersion}TimeToFirstDraw" units="ms"
The amount of time taken to launch the app. Logged when a MXMetricPayload is
received (one per day).
Recorded only if user opted in for sharing diagnostic data on iOS device.
Note: The date the data is reported is later than the day it account for.
<token key="MXVersion" variants="MXVersion"/>
<histogram name="IOS.MultiWindow.Configuration"
enum="IOSMultiWindowConfiguration" expires_after="2022-12-11">
<summary>MultiWindow configuration sampled once per minute.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.MultiWindow.OpenInNewWindow" enum="WindowActivityOrigin"
The source of &quot;Open in new Window&quot; user requests. Recorded when a
newly created window is added to a session.
<histogram name="IOS.NavigationStateNotFinishedInLoadCancelled" enum="Boolean"
The method -[CRWWKNavigationHandler loadCancelled] updates the navigation
state to finished if it is any other state. Additionally, if
`beingDestroyed` is false, the webstate's loading state is set to false.
There is a long standing TODO in this method with the comment: &quot;Check
if this function should be removed.&quot; This metric is logged when the
logic in this method is triggered. The results will be reviewed to see if
this logic is still ever called or if it can now be removed.
<histogram name="IOS.NSString.stringByReplacingCharactersInRange.NilArgument"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-12-11">
NSString API: stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:withString: was invoked
with a nil argument.
<histogram name="IOS.NTP.ExcessRemovedTabCount" units="count"
<summary>The number of excess NTP tabs that are removed.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.NTP.Impression" enum="IOSNTPImpressionType"
The type of NTP impressions on iOS, split by the feed visibility. Logged
each time an NTP is made visible.
<histogram name="IOS.NTP.OverscrollAction" enum="IOSNTPOverscrollAction"
The type of overscroll action that occurs on the NTP. This is recorded each
time a user overscrolls on the NTP.
<histogram name="IOS.Omnibox.SearchSuggestionNumberOfLines" units="count"
<summary>Histogram of the number of lines of search suggestions.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.Omnibox.SuggestionsListScrolled.{PageClass}"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-01-31">
For every interaction with the Omnibox, this metric records whether the user
scrolled the omnibox while exploring suggestions on {PageClass}.
This is recorded once per Omnibox interaction, regardless of whether the
User chooses to navigate somewhere or abandons the interaction.
<token key="PageClass">
<variant name="NTP" summary="the New Tab Page"/>
<variant name="Other" summary="a website"/>
<variant name="SRP" summary="the Search Results Page"/>
<histogram name="IOS.OpenIn.DownloadResult" enum="IOSOpenInDownloadResult"
The result of the download operation done when the user taps &quot;open
in&quot; button to open a file by a different application.
<histogram name="IOS.OpenIn.MimeType" enum="IOSOpenInMimeType"
The MIME type of the previwed file when the &quot;Open In&quot; toolbar is
<histogram name="IOS.OverflowMenu.ActionType" enum="IOSOverflowMenuActionType"
<summary>The type of action the user took in the overflow/tools menu</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.OverflowMenu.TimeOpen" units="ms"
<summary>The amount of time the overflow/tools menu is open.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.PageLoad.DefaultModeMobile" enum="Boolean"
Tracks the default mode used by the webview when a page is loaded. True when
the default mode is Mobile (vs Default).
<histogram name="IOS.PageLoadCount.Counts"
enum="IOSPageLoadCountNavigationType" expires_after="2023-10-15">
<summary>The number of navigation started events by navigation type.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.PageLoadCount.LoadingStarted" units="units"
The &quot;true&quot; value of this boolean histogram counts the number of
page loading started events. The &quot;false&quot; value will never be seen.
<histogram name="IOS.PageLoadedSnapshotResult" enum="PageLoadedSnapshotResult"
Tracks the result of snapshotting when the page has been loaded.
<histogram name="IOS.PageLoadTiming.OmnibarToPageLoaded" units="ms"
Measures the time from the end of user input in the omnibox to when the page
is fully loaded. Only measures page loads initiated by user typing a URL or
selecting a suggested entry from the URL bar.
<histogram name="IOS.PartialTranslate.Outcome" enum="PartialTranslateOutcome"
<summary>The outcome of the partial translate feature.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.PartialTranslate.SelectionLength" units="characters"
<summary>The length of the selection received from javascript.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.PasswordManager.Favicons.Count" units="count"
The number of favicons loaded (image, not monogram string) in the Password
Manager recorded when the view will disappear.
<histogram name="IOS.PasswordManager.Favicons.Percentage" units="%"
The percentage of passwords that have a favicon that is an image in the
Password Manager recorded when the view will disappear.
<histogram name="IOS.PasswordManager.PasswordsWithFavicons.Count" units="count"
The number of passwords with a favicon loaded in the Password Manager
recorded when the view will disappear.
<histogram name="IOS.PasswordsInOtherApps.AutoFillStatusChange"
enum="PasswordAutoFillEnrollmentStatus" expires_after="2023-09-01">
Logs when a user's password auto fill status has changed. Value indicates
user's current enrollment status of password auto fill from Chrome, after
the change.
<histogram name="IOS.PasswordsInOtherApps.Dismiss"
enum="PasswordAutoFillEnrollmentStatus" expires_after="2023-09-01">
Logs when a user dismisses Passwords in Other Apps promo. Value indicates
user's enrollment status of password autofill from Chrome.
<histogram name="IOS.PasswordsInOtherApps.GoToIOSSetting"
enum="PasswordAutoFillEnrollmentStatus" expires_after="2023-04-23">
Logs when a user opens iOS Password Settings by tapping the button/link in
Passwords in Other Apps promo. Value indicates user's enrollment status of
password autofill from Chrome.
<histogram name="IOS.PasswordsInOtherApps.Open"
enum="PasswordAutoFillEnrollmentStatus" expires_after="2023-09-24">
Logs when a user opens Passwords in Other Apps promo from Chrome settings.
Value indicates user's enrollment status of password autofill from Chrome.
<histogram name="IOS.Permission.Modal.Events" enum="IOSPermissionEvent"
Logs media permission events when the user changes the state of a permission
(e.g. the microphone permission) from the infobar modal.
<histogram name="IOS.Permission.PageInfo.Events" enum="IOSPermissionEvent"
Logs media permission events when the user changes the state of a permission
(e.g. the microphone permission) from the page info.
<histogram name="IOS.Permission.Requests" enum="IOSPermissionRequest"
Logs media permission requests from websites. (e.g. the microphone
permission is asked from a website).
<histogram name="IOS.PostRestoreSignin.Choice"
enum="IOSPostRestoreSigninChoice" expires_after="2023-06-15">
Logs a user's choice when presented with the Post Restore Signin Promo.'
<histogram name="IOS.PostRestoreSignin.Displayed" enum="Boolean"
Indicates whether the Post Restore Signin Promo was displayed.
<histogram name="IOS.Process.ActivePrewarm" enum="Boolean"
Whether or not the process was started with ActivePrewarm, an Apple
triggered launch of a nonrunning application processes to reduce the amount
of time the user waits before the app is usable. A significant change in
this metric may indicate a change from Apple outside Chromium's control, or
that Chromium has a reduced 'Duet' score in the system, which merits
investigation. See the UIKit documentation &quot;Prepare Your App for
Prewarming&quot; for more details.
<histogram name="IOS.PromosManager.Promo" enum="IOSPromosManagerPromo"
Logs which promo is displayed when the Promos Manager decides to display a
<histogram name="IOS.PromosManager.Promo.DisplayFailure"
enum="IOSPromosManagerPromo" expires_after="2024-02-28">
Logs which promo failed to display. This happens when a promo is requested
for display, but isn't properly registered. This seldom happens in practice,
but may happen during manual testing by disabling a promo right before the
Promos Manager attempts to display it.
<histogram name="IOS.PromosManager.Promo.ForcedDisplayFailure"
enum="IOSPromosManagerPromo" expires_after="2024-02-28">
Logs which forced promo failed to display. This happens when a promo is
forced for display (via Experimental Settings toggle,) but isn't properly
registered (via chrome://flags). This seldom happens in practice, but may
happen during manual testing.
<histogram name="IOS.PromosManager.Promo.ImpressionLimitEvaluation"
Promo impression limit evaluations made by the Promos Manager. This
histograms logs the Promos Manager's assessment of each promos impression
limits when presented with the opportunity to display a given promo.
<histogram name="IOS.PromosManager.Promo.Type" enum="IOSPromosManagerPromoType"
Logs which type of promo is displayed when the Promos Manager decides to
display a promo.
<histogram name="IOS.PushNotification.APNSDeviceRegistration"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Logs whether the user's device was or was not able to successfully register
with APNS and retrieve an APNS device token. An APNS device token is needed
to successfully register the user's device with Chime. This histogram is
logged during application startup and each time the user signs into an
<histogram name="IOS.PushNotification.ChimeDeviceRegistration"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Logs whether the user's device was or was not able to successfully register
with Chime. The device is registered with Chime on the application's
start-up if the difference between the previous time the device was
registered with Chime and the current application start-up is greater than
the predefined time interval threshold (currently set at one day).
<histogram name="IOS.PushNotification.ChimePreferenceRegistration"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2024-04-21">
Logs whether the user's push notification permissions for each push
notification enable feature in Chrome were successfully applied to the Chime
server during the device registration process.
<histogram name="IOS.PushNotification.EnabledPermisisons"
enum="PushNotificationPermissionPromptStatus" expires_after="2023-12-12">
Logs whether the user decided to allow/disallow push notification
permissions for the current device or an error occured. This is logged each
time the user responds to a push notification permission prompt.
<histogram name="IOS.PushNotification.IncomingNotificationProcessingTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Logs the amount of time it takes for Chrome to process an incoming
notification. iOS allows applications to process notifications and fetch any
additional data needed for up to 30 seconds. iOS tracks the amount of power
Chrome uses, the time it takes for it to finish processing the incoming
notification, and data costs for background downloads. According to the
documentation, if iOS determines that Chrome uses significant amounts of
power when processing remote notifications, iOS may not always wake up
Chrome early to process future notifications. Thus, this histogram uses
processing time as a proxy for iOS' three parameters.
<histogram name="IOS.ReadingList.ImageTooLargeFailure" units="KB"
Distillation of the page failed because an image was too big (&gt;1MB).
Recorded on distillation attempt.
<histogram name="IOS.ReadingList.PageTooLargeFailure" units="KB"
Distillation of the page failed because the page was too big (&gt;10MB).
Recorded on distillation attempt.
<histogram name="IOS.Reauth.Password.Autofill" enum="ReauthenticationEvent"
Tracks the results and attempts of reauthentication when using password
Autofill suggestions.
<histogram name="IOS.Reauth.Password.ManualFallback"
enum="ReauthenticationEvent" expires_after="2022-07-03">
Tracks the results and attempts of reauthentication when using a password in
Manual Fallback.
<histogram name="IOS.ReconcileEULAPref" enum="Boolean"
Track the reconciliation of EULA pref and First run sentinel. Reported once
on startup when it is detected that EULA pref is not set but First run
sentinel is set. There is no base event (false) as this should be an
exceptional case and should tend to 0 occurence.
<histogram name="IOS.RestoreNavigationItemCount" units="rank"
[iOS] The number of items Navigation Manager was requested to restore. 100
is logged when the number of navigation items is greater than 100. This is
just a requested count and actual number of restored items can be smaller.
Restoration is triggered in the following cases (the list is not
exhaustive): app cold start, remote tab was open, cookie were cleared,
recently closed tab was restored.
<histogram name="IOS.RestoreNavigationTime" units="ms"
[iOS] Time spent on restoring committed Navigation Manager's items. Recorded
once per restoration, as a cumulative time across all items. Restoration is
triggered in the following cases (the list is not exhaustive): app cold
start, remote tab was open, cookies were cleared, recently closed tab was
restored. This metric will be used for monitoring session restoration
performance which relies on system's WKWebView.
<histogram name="IOS.SadTab.FileIsPDF" enum="Boolean"
This histgram counts the frequency of sad tabs that occur while loading a
PDF file. This is logged once per sad tab shown.
<histogram name="IOS.SadTab.URLIsChromeExternalFile" enum="Boolean"
This histgram counts the frequency of sad tabs that occur while loading a
chrome://external-file URL. This is logged once per sad tab shown.
<histogram name="IOS.SafeBrowsing.RedirectedRequestResponseHostsMatch"
enum="BooleanMatched" expires_after="2023-07-16">
The URL in a navigation request should have the same host as the URL in the
corresponding response, but this sometimes doesn't hold after a server
redirect because of a WKWebView bug. This histogram counts the frequency of
this invariant violation, and is logged each time that a main-frame
navigation response is received after a server redirect. True means that the
request and response URLs have the same host.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.AvailableCapacity" units="MB"
The total amount of available storage capacity on the device. Logged once
per application cold launch, on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.AvailableCapacityPercentage" units="%"
The percentage of the device storage which is available. Logged once per
application cold launch, on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.CapacityForImportantUsage" units="MB"
The amount of device storage which is available for important storage.
Logged once per application cold launch, on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.CapacityForImportantUsagePercentage"
units="%" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The percentage of the device storage which is available for important
storage. Logged once per application cold launch, on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.CapacityForOpportunisticUsage" units="MB"
The amount of device storage which is available for opportunistic storage.
Logged once per application cold launch, on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.CapacityForOpportunisticUsagePercentage"
units="%" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The percentage of the device storage which is available for opportunistic
storage. Logged once per application cold launch, on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.DocumentsSize2" units="MB"
The total amount of storage used by the application Documents directory.
Chrome uses this directory to store files downloaded by the user. Logged at
application startup, maximum once every 2 weeks, if the
`kLogApplicationStorageSizeMetrics` flag is enabled.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.LibrarySize" units="MB"
The total amount of storage used by the application Library directory.
Chrome uses this directory to store application data and caches. Logged at
application startup, maximum once every 2 weeks, if the
`kLogApplicationStorageSizeMetrics` flag is enabled.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.OptimizationGuideModelDownloadedItems"
units="items" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The number of download directories used by the optimization guide model
downloads. Logged at application startup, maximum once every 2 weeks, if the
`kLogApplicationStorageSizeMetrics` flag is enabled.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.OptimizationGuideModelDownloadsSize"
units="KB" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The total amount of storage used by the optimization guide model downloads.
Logged at application startup, maximum once every 2 weeks, if the
`kLogApplicationStorageSizeMetrics` flag is enabled.
<histogram name="IOS.SandboxMetrics.TotalCapacity" enum="IOSStorageCapacity"
The total amount of storage capacity on the device. Logged once per
application cold launch, on startup.
<histogram name="IOS.SearchExtension.Action" enum="IOSSearchExtensionAction"
<summary>The action selected by the user in the Search Extension.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.SearchExtension.DisplayCount" units="count"
The number of times the Search Extension was displayed since last Chrome
foregrounding. Reported when Chrome is put in foreground. Note: events where
the count is zero were removed in M91.
<histogram name="IOS.SearchWith.Trigger" enum="IOSSearchWithContext"
<summary>The context in which Search With has been triggered.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.SessionMigration" enum="IOSSessionMigration"
Record whether the session (list of tabs, and their snapshots) was migrated
from one place to another. This migration can happen when the user update
Chrome, their device version of iOS or when they restore a backup. The event
is recorded for all Browser creation, so most of the event should be
&quot;No Migration&quot;.
<histogram name="IOS.ShareExtension.ReceivedEntriesCount" units="files"
The number of items received simultaneously in Chrome from the IOS share
<histogram name="IOS.ShareExtension.ReceivedEntry"
enum="IOSShareExtensionReceivedEntryType" expires_after="2023-10-04">
<summary>Type of the item received from the iOS share extension.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.ShareExtension.ReceivedEntryDelay" units="ms"
The delay in milliseconds between the item creation in the extension and its
processing in Chrome.
<histogram name="IOS.ShareExtension.Source"
enum="IOSShareExtensionReceivedEntrySource" expires_after="2023-10-04">
The source application that sent the external command to Chrome.
<histogram name="IOS.SiriShortcuts.Count" units="shortcuts"
Counts the number of Chrome Siri Shortcuts that the user has created in the
Siri Shortcuts app. This is recorded once during startup. The histogram caps
at 20 shortcuts, which is an arbitrary but reasonable limit. Note that
shortcuts that have multiple actions are not counted if at least one action
isn't a Chrome-provided one. For example, a shortcut that opens URLs in
Chrome and then opens URLs in another app won't be counted. As such, this
metric undercounts the true number of Chrome shortcuts. This is a
restriction of the native Shortcuts API. This histogram is actively being
monitored by the iOS at Google team.
<histogram name="IOS.Snapshots.CacheSize" units="KB" expires_after="2023-11-14">
The overall size of snapshots cache. Recorded when new snapshot is cached.
<histogram name="IOS.Snapshots.ImageSize" units="KB" expires_after="2023-07-03">
The size of a single snapshot image. Recorded when new snapshot is taken and
RecordSnapshotSize flag is enabled.
<histogram name="IOS.Snapshots.PDFSize" units="KB" expires_after="2023-11-10">
The size of a single snapshot PDF. Recorded when new snapshot is taken and
RecordSnapshotSize flag is enabled.
<histogram name="IOS.Spotlight.Action" enum="IOSSpotlightAction"
<summary>The Spotlight Action pressed by the user.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.Spotlight.Availability" enum="IOSSpotlightAvailability"
Tracks the availability of the Spotlight indexation on the device. It is
logged once at each cold start. Note: Spotlight may be available on the
device but disabled by the user.
<histogram name="IOS.Spotlight.BookmarksIndexingDuration" units="ms"
<summary>Time spent in Spotlight initial indexation of bookmarks.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.Spotlight.BookmarksInitialIndexSize" units="units"
<summary>Number of bookmarks indexed during initial indexation.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.Spotlight.Origin" enum="IOSSpotlightOrigin"
This event is recorded each time a Chrome Spotlight entry is selected by the
user. The enumeration indicates the nature of the Spotlight entry.
<histogram name="IOS.StoreKit.ITunesURLsHandlingResult"
enum="IOSITunesURLsStoreKitHandlingResult" expires_after="2021-06-23">
The result of StoreKit handling for a specific iTunes URL. Not Handled will
be logged when the LinksHandler didn't handle a specific URL on purpose (not
supported), and Failure will be logged when a URL that should have been
handled wasn't handled.
<histogram name="IOS.TabGrid.CloseTabs" units="Tabs" expires_after="2023-11-01">
The number of Tab Grid items closed with a bulk or a 'Close All' operation.
A Tab can be recoreded twice if it is restored and closed again.
<histogram name="IOS.TabGrid.Selection.AddToBookmarks" units="Tabs"
The number of Tab Grid items bookmarked with a single add to bookmarks
operation from the tab grid selection mode.
<histogram name="IOS.TabGrid.Selection.AddToReadingList" units="Tabs"
The number of Tab Grid items added to reading list with a single add to
reading list operation from the tab grid selection mode.
<histogram name="IOS.TabGrid.Selection.CloseTabs" units="Tabs"
The number of Tab Grid items closed with a single Close Tab(s) operation
from the tab grid selection mode.
<histogram name="IOS.TabGrid.Selection.ShareTabs" units="Tabs"
The number of Tab Grid items shared with a single share operation from the
tab grid selection mode.
<histogram name="IOS.TabGrid.TabSelected.TimeSinceLastActivation" units="ms"
Recorded when a tab is selected from the TabGrid. Time spent since the last
time this tab was made active.
<histogram name="IOS.TabStrip.DragInteraction" enum="Boolean"
Tracks whether the user moved a tabStrip tab to a new index. Recorded when
the user stops the drag interaction.
<histogram name="IOS.TabStrip.TapInteraction" enum="Boolean"
Tracks whether the user tapped on a tabStrip tab that is not the active one.
Recorded when the tabStrip tab is tapped.
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.DragDropTabs"
enum="IOSTabSwitcherDragDropTabs" expires_after="2023-11-16">
Records tab drag and drop interactions on the tab switcher. An interaction
is recorded twice (one drag and one drop).
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.DragOrigin" enum="IOSTabSwitcherDragOrigin"
<summary>Records the origin of dropped items in the tab switcher.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.Idle.IncognitoTabGridPage" enum="Boolean"
Tracks whether the user closed the incognito tab grid page without doing any
meaningful action. Meaningful actions are creating, moving, deleting or
switching tab. Recorded when the user closed the incognito tab grid page.
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.Idle.RecentTabs" enum="Boolean"
Tracks whether the user closed the recent tabs page without doing any
meaningful action. Meaningful action is opening a tab. Recorded when the
user closed the recent tabs page or switched to a tab grid page.
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.Idle.RegularTabGridPage" enum="Boolean"
Tracks whether the user closed the regular tab grid page without doing any
meaningful action. Meaningful actions are creating, moving, deleting or
switching tab. Recorded when the user closed the regular tab grid page.
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.PageChangeInteraction"
enum="IOSTabSwitcherPageChangeInteraction" expires_after="2023-09-24">
The UI interaction by which the user changed the visible page in the tab
switcher. Note that drag interactions can be recorded multiple time for a
single drag.
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.PinnedTabs.DragDropTabs"
enum="IOSTabSwitcherDragDropTabs" expires_after="2023-11-16">
Records tab drag and drop interactions in the pinned tab view. An
interaction is recorded twice (one drag and one drop).
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.PinnedTabs.DragOrigin"
enum="IOSTabSwitcherDragOrigin" expires_after="2024-01-22">
<summary>Records the origin of dropped items in the pinned tab view.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.TimeSpent" units="ms"
The time the Tab switcher is displayed to the user. This histogram will
always be recorded once the user exit the tab switcher.
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.TimeSpentOpeningExistingTab" units="ms"
The time it takes for a user to open an existing tab. If the user opens a
new tab or closes the tab switcher, this is not recorded.
<histogram name="IOS.TabSwitcher.TimeSpentScrolling" units="ms"
The time spent while the tab grid is scrolled by the user. This includes the
deceleration time.
<histogram name="IOS.TextSelection.EntityDetection.DetectedEntityType"
enum="TextSelectionDetectedEntityType" expires_after="2023-10-08">
The entity type detected by running entity detection on user-selected text.
This histogram is recorded every time entity detection is attempted on text
that the user explicit selects, such as when displaying context menu actions
on a long press.
units="ms" expires_after="2023-03-19">
Records the time taken for the TFLite text classifier model to extract
entities given a full web page text (up to 64k characters).
units="ms" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Records the time taken for the TFLite text classifier model to extract
entities given a text string. This metric does not record the duration for
NSDataDetector entity extraction when the TFLite model is unavailable.
<histogram name="IOS.Thumbstrip.CancelBy" enum="ThumbstripOpenByIOS"
[iOS] Reports how a thumbstrip opening was cancelled. It uses the same enum
as IOS.Thumbstrip.OpenBy.
<histogram name="IOS.Thumbstrip.CloseBy" enum="ThumbstripCloseByIOS"
<summary>[iOS] Reports how the thumbstrip was closed.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.Thumbstrip.OpenBy" enum="ThumbstripOpenByIOS"
<summary>[iOS] Reports how the thumbstrip was opened.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.Translate.PageLoad.LanguageDetectionComparison"
enum="LanguageDetectionComparison" expires_after="2023-03-24">
When both CLD3 and TFLite language detection method are run, compare their
<histogram name="IOS.Translate.PageLoad.LanguageDetectionMethod"
enum="LanguageDetectionMethod" expires_after="2023-03-24">
The method used to detect language in the web page during the
CLD3-&gt;TFlite transition.
<histogram name="IOS.TrendingQueries" enum="TrendingQueryIndex"
Logs a user tapping on a trending query and the index position of that query
in the module.
<histogram name="IOS.Variations.CreateTrials.SeedExpiry"
enum="VariationsSeedExpiry" expires_after="2023-08-11">
Records the state of the variations seed stored from a previous launch of
Chrome iOS, e.g. not expired. Recorded after the seed is loaded and before
trials are created from the seed. Note that seeds for which this metric is
recorded may not be applied, e.g. when the seed has expired.
<histogram name="IOS.Variations.FirstRun.SeedFetchResult"
enum="VariationsSeedFetchResult" expires_after="2023-08-09">
The result of attempting to fetch an initial variations seed during iOS
Chrome first run. Records both the HTTP code and various error values in one
<histogram name="IOS.Variations.FirstRun.SeedFetchTime" units="ms"
The latency of fetching an initial variations seed during iOS Chrome first
run. Only considers cases where an HTTP 200 result was received.
<histogram name="IOS.WarmStartBackgroundTime" units="msec"
This metric is obsolete as of M105, because the max bucket did reach the
desired hour-level granularity. IOS.BackgroundTimeBeforeWarmStart is the new
This event is recorded on every warm start app open. The value represents
how long the app was away from the foreground.
<histogram name="IOS.Web.URLDidChangeToEmptyURL" enum="BooleanHit"
A boolean that is used to indicate that the URL property of the WKWebView
has changed to a nil or empty URL. Recorded on the KVO of the URL of the
<histogram name="IOS.WhatsNew.TableViewDidScroll" enum="Boolean"
Whether or not the table view of the What's New feature was scrolled.
<histogram name="IOS.WhatsNew.TimeSpent" units="ms" expires_after="2023-09-24">
<summary>Logs the time a user spent on What's New.</summary>
<histogram name="IOS.WidgetKit.Action" enum="IOSWidgetKitAction"
Measures UI interactions in WidgetKit extension. Recorded after a user taps
in a widget and Chrome is opened.
<histogram name="IOS.WidgetKit.{Status}" enum="IOSWidgetKitExtensionKind"
Indicates the {Status} of an iOS 14 widget. Logged when the app goes to
foreground. &quot;Current&quot; widgets are logged everytime widgets are
detected, &quot;Install&quot; and &quot;Uninstall&quot; are logged only when
changes are detected. It is important to consider the bias created towards
users that foreground the app more often when doing analysis. This can be
accounted by filtering per unique users when looking at the metric.
<token key="Status">
<variant name="Current" summary="presence"/>
<variant name="Install" summary="installation"/>
<variant name="Uninstall" summary="removal"/>
<histogram name="IOS.WindowIDInjection.ElapsedTime" units="ms"
Removed in M111 because windowId injection was removed.
Measures the time taken for windowID injection to complete. Logged once per
<histogram name="IOS.WKWebViewFinishBeforeCommit" enum="Boolean"
WKWebView should notify navigation commit before navigation finish, but
exceptions have been observed. This histogram counts the frequency of this
invariant violation at the time when a new navigation is finished. True
means navigation finish callback happened before navigation commit.
<histogram name="ManualFallback.PresentedOptions.AllPasswords"
units="Credentials" expires_after="2023-09-24">
[iOS Only] Tracks the number of credentials presented to the user in the
&quot;Use other password...&quot; view in Manual Fallback. This is logged
everytime the user opens this view.
<histogram name="ManualFallback.PresentedOptions.CreditCards" units="Cards"
[iOS Only] Tracks the number of cards presented to the user in Manual
Fallback. This is logged everytime the user opens this view.
<histogram name="ManualFallback.PresentedOptions.Passwords" units="Credentials"
[iOS Only] Tracks the number of credentials presented to the user in the
Passwords Manual Fallback view. This is logged everytime the user opens this
<histogram name="ManualFallback.PresentedOptions.Profiles" units="Profiles"
[iOS Only] Tracks the number of profiles presented to the user in Manual
Fallback. This is logged everytime the user opens this view.
<histogram name="ManualFallback.VisibleSuggestions.OpenCreditCards"
units="Suggestions" expires_after="2023-09-24">
[iOS Only] Tracks the number of autofill suggestions present when the user
taps on the credit card button in manual fallback.
<histogram name="ManualFallback.VisibleSuggestions.OpenPasswords"
units="Suggestions" expires_after="2023-09-24">
[iOS Only] Tracks the number of password suggestions present when the user
taps on the password button in manual fallback.
<histogram name="ManualFallback.VisibleSuggestions.OpenProfiles"
units="Suggestions" expires_after="2023-05-01">
[iOS Only] Tracks the number of autofill suggestions present when the user
taps on the profiles (address) button in manual fallback.
<histogram name="UserInterfaceStyle.CurrentlyUsed" enum="IOSUserInterfaceStyle"
[iOS Only] Used on iOS 13+ to report the usage of Light and Dark mode. This
is logged at startup and on each user interface style change. Can be caused
by the system automatic switch or by the user manually changing the style.