blob: 4085505373f54c9fd83c13abd92063003028a8e6 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Platform histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="Platform.AnyCrashesDaily" units="count per day"
Count of crashes (user, kernel, and unclean shutdowns) during the previous
day, or the most recent day the device was in use. Reported at most once a
<histogram name="Platform.AnyCrashesWeekly" units="count per week"
Count of crashes (user, kernel, and unclean shutdowns) during the previous
epoch-week, or the most recent epoch-week the device was in use. Reported at
most once a week. Epoch-weeks divide the time in 7-day intervals starting at
the UNIX epoch.
<histogram name="Platform.AsvGroup" units="units" expires_after="2018-08-30">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Chrome OS (ARM Chromebooks using Exynos 5250 only) Adaptive Support Voltage
Group, recorded once per bootup. Indicates which &quot;bin&quot; the SoC is
part of, which sets the voltage that different rails on the system will run
at. The values 0-11 are valid. A value of 12 indicates an error parsing
dmesg and should be investigated. See also Platform.LotIdEnum.
<histogram name="Platform.BatteryAbsent" enum="BooleanAbsent"
Indicates whether the kernel's ACPI Smart Battery System driver logged an
error trying to find the battery on boot.
<histogram name="Platform.Bootlockbox.AvailabilityAtStart"
enum="BootlockboxAvailability" expires_after="2023-10-24">
Record the bootlockbox space availability when bootlockbox started.
<histogram name="Platform.BootMode.DevSwitch"
enum="Platform.BootMode.SwitchStatus" expires_after="2022-04-03">
Indicates the status of the developer switch on Chrome OS hardware. The
developer switch allows users to run their own code on the device.
<histogram name="Platform.BootMode.FirmwareWriteProtect"
enum="Platform.BootMode.FirmwareWriteProtect" expires_after="2022-04-17">
On Chrome OS hardware, indicates whether flash write protection is enabled
for the firmware indicated by the histogram suffix.
<histogram name="Platform.BootMode.WriteProtectSwitch"
enum="Platform.BootMode.SwitchStatus" expires_after="2021-09-05">
Indicates the status of the hardware write protect switch on Chrome OS
hardware. The write protect switch protects firmware from being rewritten.
<histogram name="Platform.BootSectorsRead" units="units"
Chrome OS number of disk sectors read at boot from kernel start to
<histogram name="Platform.BootSectorsWritten" units="units"
Chrome OS number of disk sectors written at boot from kernel start to
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.ReinitializingToken"
enum="ChapsReinitializingToken" expires_after="2023-08-27">
Each sample is the status code when Chaps needs to reinitializing token.
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.Session.Decrypt" enum="ChapsSessionStatus"
Each sample is the return value of a chaps session decrypt operation. The
return code is defined in pkcs11 specification. There is exactly one sample
logged for every chaps session decrypt operation.
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.Session.Digest" enum="ChapsSessionStatus"
Each sample is the return value of a chaps session digest operation. The
return code is defined in pkcs11 specification. There is exactly one sample
logged for every chaps session digest operation.
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.Session.Encrypt" enum="ChapsSessionStatus"
Each sample is the return value of a chaps session encrypt operation. The
return code is defined in pkcs11 specification. There is exactly one sample
logged for every chaps session encrypt operation.
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.Session.Sign" enum="ChapsSessionStatus"
Each sample is the return value of a chaps session sign operation. The
return code is defined in pkcs11 specification. There is exactly one sample
logged for every chaps session sign operation.
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.Session.Verify" enum="ChapsSessionStatus"
Each sample is the return value of a chaps session verify operation. The
return code is defined in pkcs11 specification. There is exactly one sample
logged for every chaps session verify operation.
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.TokenManager.LoadToken"
enum="TokenManagerStatus" expires_after="2023-08-27">
Each sample is the return value of a chaps token manager load token
operation. There is exactly one sample logged for every call to
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.TokenManager.UnloadToken"
enum="TokenManagerStatus" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Each sample is the return value of a chaps token manager unload token
operation. There is exactly one sample logged for every call to
<histogram name="Platform.Chaps.TPMAvailability" enum="ChapsTPMAvailability"
<summary>Each sample is the TPM Availability status.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.CompressedSwapSize" units="MB"
Chrome OS size of allocated swap area in megabytes (before compression)
<histogram name="Platform.CpuFrequencyThermalScaling" units="%"
CPU frequency as percent of the baseline frequency, sampled every 30s. This
may be throttled down from 100% due to power dissipation issues (too high
temperature). It may also be throttled up (turbo), but the kernel does not
report the actual turbo frequency, so we put such samples in the 101%
<histogram name="Platform.CrOS.CrashSenderRemoveReason"
enum="CrosCrashSenderRemoveReason" expires_after="2023-08-08">
(Chrome OS only) An enum indicating the reasons for removal of crash reports
on devices. Generally, we'll remove crash reports after successfully sending
them, but there are other reasons for removal (e.g. if the metadata file was
malformed). These should be rare, but bugs in the crash reporting system may
cause us to start removing crashes before sending them more often. This
metric is intended to monitor crash reporting system health.
<histogram name="Platform.CrOSEvent" enum="CrosEventEnum" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: Used by the core CrOS platform with individual buckets added
and removed as makes sense. -->
<!-- -->
Generic event of interest from Chrome OS. Intended mainly to help assess the
frequency of rare error conditions.
<histogram name="Platform.Crouton.Started" enum="Platform.Crouton.Started"
Detects presence of /run/crouton, indicating that crouton has been started
since the previous boot. Value 0/&quot;Total count&quot; is reported on
boot, 1/&quot;Started&quot; is reported after the file presence is detected
(checked periodically).
<histogram name="Platform.CumulativeCpuTime" units="seconds"
Total CPU time accumulated since the last version update. Reported at most
once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.CumulativeUseTime" units="seconds"
Total use time (device ON and not asleep) since last version update.
Reported at most once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.DailyUseTime" units="seconds" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Total use time (device ON and not asleep) in the previous day, or the most
recent day the device was in use. Reported at most once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.DetachableBase.ActivePercent" units="%"
Ratio of time a detachable base keyboard is active, i.e. when the USB
interface is not auto-suspended. Reported every 30 seconds when the base is
<histogram name="Platform.DetachableBase.AttachedOnBoot" enum="BooleanAttached"
For devices with a detachable base: whether or not the base is connected on
boot. Recorded by upstart task on boot.
<histogram name="Platform.DetachableBase.PairResult"
enum="DetachableBasePairResult" expires_after="2022-04-24">
<summary>Result of a detachable base pair operation.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.DetachableBase.PendingRWUpdate"
enum="DetachableBasePendingRWUpdate" expires_after="2022-04-24">
Detachable base firmware updates can be configured to only occur on boot. In
this mode, any update will be considered &quot;pending&quot; until the
system is rebooted, at which point the update may take place. Every time a
detachable base is connected to the system, a metric representing the
pending update status is recorded. Its possible values are as follows: (0)
communication error; (1) no update available; (2) critical update available;
or (3) non-critical update available. The definition of &quot;critical&quot;
is up to the software performing updates, and would typically be used in the
case of a security issue, or broken functionality in a previous firmware
<histogram name="Platform.DetachableBase.ROUpdateResult"
enum="DetachableBaseROUpdateResult" expires_after="2022-04-24">
<summary>Result of a detachable base RO firmware update.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.DetachableBase.RWUpdateResult"
enum="DetachableBaseRWUpdateResult" expires_after="2022-04-24">
<summary>Result of a detachable base RW firmware update.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.Discod.AutoWbBwUtilization" units="%"
Emits when io-burst-triggered Write Boost expires. Specifies how well the
Write Boost is utilized, i.e. amount of cycles with bandwidth over trigger
threshold divided by total amount of cycles Write Boost was enabled.
<histogram name="Platform.Discod.AutoWbOnCycles" units="cycles"
Emits when io-burst-triggered Write Boost expires. Specifies length of
io-burst-triggered Write Booster period.
<histogram name="Platform.Discod.BurstResult" enum="DiscodBurstResult"
Emits when the io-burst ends or when the burst triggers WriteBoost.
Specifies if the burst resulted in enabling Write Booster.
<histogram name="Platform.Discod.ExplicitWbBwUtilization" units="%"
Emits when application-triggered Write Boost expires. Specifies how well the
Write Boost is utilized, i.e. amount of cycles with bandwidth over trigger
threshold divided by total amount of cycles Write Boost was enabled.
<histogram name="Platform.Discod.ExplicitWbOnCycles" units="cycles"
Emits when applications-triggered Write Boost expires. Specifies length of
application-triggered Write Booster period.
<histogram name="Platform.DiskUsage.NumUserHomeDirectories"
units="home directories" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Number of users home directories on the device. Logged once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.DiskUsage.OldestUserOnDevice" units="days"
Number of days between now and the last login of the device's least recent
user. Logged once a day, if disk usage is high.
<histogram name="Platform.DiskUsage.UsersOnDevice" units="units"
Number of user home dirs on device. Logged once a day, if disk usage is
<histogram name="Platform.DiskUsageChronos" units="KB"
Chrome OS KB in use in the /home/chronos filesystem tree. Logged once a day
during log file cleanup.
<histogram name="Platform.DiskUsageVar" units="KB" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Chrome OS KB in use in the /var filesystem tree. Logged once a day during
log file cleanup.
<histogram name="Platform.DlcService.InstallResult"
enum="DlcService.InstallResult" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The result of an attempt to Install a DLC package. DLCs are ChromiumOS
Software packages that are installed in the stateful partition.
<histogram name="Platform.DlcService.UninstallResult"
enum="DlcService.UninstallResult" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The result of an attempt to Uninstall a DLC package. DLCs are ChromiumOS
Software packages that are installed in the stateful partition.
<histogram name="Platform.Emmc.LifeUsed" enum="EmmcLifeUsed"
eMMC [5.0] Device lifetime estimation for flash. This field provides an
estimated indication about the device lifetime that is reflected by the
averaged wear out of memory of a given type relative to its maximum
estimated lifetime.
<histogram name="Platform.ExternalMetrics.SamplesRead" units="count"
On ChromeOS, number of external metrics samples read in from the platform.
Emitted once every 30 seconds. If this is too large (over 100,000), we will
silently lose metrics. Additionally, 100,000 is the largest number we'll
ever record here: we stop counting when we hit 100,000.
<histogram name="Platform.Featured.BootAttemptsSinceLastSafeSeed"
units="number of boot attempts" expires_after="2023-10-06">
Records number of boot attempts on a device since receiving a variations
safe seed from Chrome. This value is reported every time a device boots.
<histogram name="Platform.FileSystem.ErrorCount" units="errors"
Number of file system errors, as reported by dumpe2fs &quot;FS Error
count&quot; field. Reported once per boot.
<histogram name="Platform.FileSystem.FsckNeeded" enum="Boolean"
True when kernel reports that the file system needs deep recovery. File
system has corruption the kernel can not fix by itself. Reported once per
<histogram name="Platform.FileSystem.RecoveryNeeded" enum="Boolean"
True when kernel reports that the file system needed recovery at boot. It
indicates the filesytem was not properly unmounted, but was recovered.
Reported once per boot.
<histogram name="Platform.Firmware.Mismatch" enum="BooleanDetected"
Records if the system firmware mismatched OS bundled firmware. Reported once
per boot by dev_debug_vboot.
<histogram name="Platform.Fwupd.ActivateStatus" enum="FwupdReturnValue"
Indicates the return value of a firmware activation operation via fwupd.
Reported once per activation operation.
<histogram name="Platform.Fwupd.UpdateDuration" units="seconds"
Time elapsed during the firmware update operation. Sent after every
sucessful update firmware operation via fwupd.
<histogram name="Platform.Fwupd.UpdateStatus" enum="FwupdReturnValue"
Indicates the return value of a firmware update operation via fwupd.
Reported once per update operation.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.AdditionalMemoryNeeded" units="MiB"
The difference between the amount of memory and swap available and the
amount of space needed to successfully hibernate on ChromeOS devices when
there is not enough memory available when hibernate is triggered. Recorded
at hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.Duration.HibernateResumeReady"
units="seconds" expires_after="2023-08-04">
The duration in seconds we waited for the hibernate Resume Signal Ready from
powerd on ChromeOS devices. Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.Duration.SetupLVMFiles" units="seconds"
The duration in seconds we wait for hibernate files to be setup on ChromeOS
devices with LVM. Reported at hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.ExcessMemoryAvailable" units="MiB"
The difference between the amount of memory and swap available and the
amount of space needed to successfully hibernate on ChromeOS devices when
there is more memory available than needed when hibernate is triggered.
Recorded at hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.PreloadImage.Duration" units="seconds"
The duration in seconds spent preloading the hibernate image on ChromeOS
devices. Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.PreloadImage.Rate" units="MiB/s"
The rate in MiB/s we are preloading the hibernate image on ChromeOS devices.
Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.PreloadImage.Size" units="KiB"
The size in KiB of the hibernate image we preload on ChromeOS devices.
Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.ReadAllData.Duration" units="seconds"
The total duration in seconds spent preloading and moving the hibernate
image on ChromeOS devices. This should be the summation of the preloading
and main image durations. Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.ReadAllData.Rate" units="MiB/s"
The rate in MiB/s we preloaded and moved the hibernate image on ChromeOS
devices. Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.ReadAllData.Size" units="KiB"
The size in KiB of the hibernate image we preload and move on ChromeOS
devices. This should be the summation of the preloaded and main image sizes.
Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.ReadMainImage.Duration" units="seconds"
The duration in seconds spent moving in the hibernate image on ChromeOS
devices. Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.ReadMainImage.Rate" units="MiB/s"
The rate in MiB/s we are moving the hibernate image on ChromeOS devices.
Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.ReadMainImage.Size" units="KiB"
The size in KiB of the hibernate image we are moving on ChromeOS devices.
Reported at resume from hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.WriteHibernateImage.Duration"
units="seconds" expires_after="2023-08-04">
The duration in seconds spent writing the hibernate image on ChromeOS
devices. Reported at hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.WriteHibernateImage.Rate" units="MiB/s"
The rate in MiB/s we wrote the hibernate image on ChromeOS devices. Reported
at hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.IO.WriteHibernateImage.Size" units="KiB"
The size in KiB of the hibernate image we wrote on ChromeOS devices.
Reported at hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.LoginToResumeReady" units="ms"
The time between when hiberman receives the request to resume, and when
resume is ready to launch. This represents an approximation of how long the
user had to wait for a hibernate resume to occur. Recorded when resume is
ready, and reported when hiberman flushes metrics at the completion of
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.MemoryAndSwapAvailable" units="MiB"
ChromeOS total memory and swap available in MiB when hibernate is triggered.
Reported at hibernate.
<histogram name="Platform.Hibernate.MemoryAvailable" units="MiB"
ChromeOS memory available in MiB when hibernate is triggered. Reported at
<histogram name="Platform.IntelMaxMicroArchitecture"
enum="IntelMaxMicroArchitecture" expires_after="2023-10-22">
The maximum supported micro-architecture on an Intel platform. This value is
logged at program start time.
<histogram name="Platform.KernelCrashesDaily" units="count per day"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Count of kernel crashes during the previous day, or the most recent day the
device was in use. Reported at most once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.KernelCrashesPerActiveYear" units="count per year"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Count of kernel crashes since the last OS update, normalized as number of
crashes per year of active use (active use = device is ON and not asleep).
Reported daily.
<histogram name="Platform.KernelCrashesPerCpuYear" units="count per CPU year"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Count of kernel crashes since the last OS update, normalized as number
crashes per year of CPU time. Reported daily.
<histogram name="Platform.KernelCrashesSinceUpdate" units="count"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Count of kernel crashes since the last OS update, reported daily.
<histogram name="Platform.KernelCrashesWeekly" units="count per week"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Count of kernel crashes during the previous epoch-week, or the most recent
epoch-week the device was in use. Reported at most once a week. Epoch-weeks
divide the time in 7-day intervals starting at the UNIX epoch.
<histogram name="Platform.KernelCrashInterval" units="seconds"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Time elapsed between the last two kernel crashes. Sent after every kernel
<histogram name="Platform.KmsVncMethod" enum="KmsVncMethodEnum"
KmsVnc graphics method in use, depending on command line flags and
auto-detected kernel graphics features. Recorded at start up of VNC server.
<histogram name="Platform.Libhwsec.RetryAction{Category}"
enum="HwsecRetryActionEnum" expires_after="2023-06-19">
Each sample is the result code of a libhwsec operation issued through
libhwsec that belongs to {Category}. Success is 0. For the other error
codes, see src/platform2/libhwsec/error/tpm_retry_action.h. Recorded when
the libhwsec operation finished in the middleware.
<token key="Category">
<variant name="" summary="hwsec"/>
<variant name=".Config" summary="Config"/>
<variant name=".Config.IsCurrentUserSet"
<variant name=".Config.Quote" summary="Config::Quote"/>
<variant name=".Config.SetCurrentUser" summary="Config::SetCurrentUser"/>
<variant name=".Config.ToOperationPolicy"
<variant name=".DAMitigation" summary="DAMitigation"/>
<variant name=".DAMitigation.GetStatus" summary="DAMitigation::GetStatus"/>
<variant name=".DAMitigation.IsReady" summary="DAMitigation::IsReady"/>
<variant name=".DAMitigation.Mitigate" summary="DAMitigation::Mitigate"/>
<variant name=".Deriving" summary="Deriving"/>
<variant name=".Deriving.Derive" summary="Deriving::Derive"/>
<variant name=".Deriving.SecureDerive" summary="Deriving::SecureDerive"/>
<variant name=".Encryption" summary="Encryption"/>
<variant name=".Encryption.Decrypt" summary="Encryption::Decrypt"/>
<variant name=".Encryption.Encrypt" summary="Encryption::Encrypt"/>
<variant name=".KeyManagement" summary="KeyManagement"/>
<variant name=".KeyManagement.CreateKey"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.Flush" summary="KeyManagement::Flush"/>
<variant name=".KeyManagement.GetECCPublicInfo"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.GetKeyHandle"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.GetPersistentKey"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.GetPolicyEndorsementKey"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.GetPubkeyHash"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.GetRSAPublicInfo"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.GetSupportedAlgo"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.IsSupported"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.LoadKey" summary="KeyManagement::LoadKey"/>
<variant name=".KeyManagement.ReloadIfPossible"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.SideLoadKey"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.WrapECCKey"
<variant name=".KeyManagement.WrapRSAKey"
<variant name=".PinWeaver" summary="PinWeaver"/>
<variant name=".PinWeaver.BlockGeneratePk"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.CheckCredential"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.GeneratePk" summary="PinWeaver::GeneratePk"/>
<variant name=".PinWeaver.GetDelayInSeconds"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.GetDelaySchedule"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.GetExpirationInSeconds"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.GetLog" summary="PinWeaver::GetLog"/>
<variant name=".PinWeaver.GetVersion" summary="PinWeaver::GetVersion"/>
<variant name=".PinWeaver.GetWrongAuthAttempts"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.InsertCredential"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.InsertRateLimiter"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.IsEnabled" summary="PinWeaver::IsEnabled"/>
<variant name=".PinWeaver.RemoveCredential"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.ReplayLogOperation"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.Reset" summary="PinWeaver::Reset"/>
<variant name=".PinWeaver.ResetCredential"
<variant name=".PinWeaver.StartBiometricsAuth"
<variant name=".Random" summary="Random"/>
<variant name=".Random.RandomBlob" summary="Random::RandomBlob"/>
<variant name=".Random.RandomSecureBlob"
<variant name=".RecoveryCrypto" summary="RecoveryCrypto"/>
<variant name=".RecoveryCrypto.EncryptEccPrivateKey"
<variant name=".RecoveryCrypto.GenerateDiffieHellmanSharedSecret"
<variant name=".RecoveryCrypto.GenerateKeyAuthValue"
<variant name=".RecoveryCrypto.GenerateRsaKeyPair"
<variant name=".RecoveryCrypto.SignRequestPayload"
<variant name=".RoData" summary="RoData"/>
<variant name=".RoData.Certify" summary="RoData::Certify"/>
<variant name=".RoData.IsReady" summary="RoData::IsReady"/>
<variant name=".RoData.Read" summary="RoData::Read"/>
<variant name=".Sealing" summary="Sealing"/>
<variant name=".Sealing.IsSupported" summary="Sealing::IsSupported"/>
<variant name=".Sealing.PreloadSealedData"
<variant name=".Sealing.Seal" summary="Sealing::Seal"/>
<variant name=".Sealing.Unseal" summary="Sealing::Unseal"/>
<variant name=".SessionManagement" summary="SessionManagement"/>
<variant name=".SessionManagement.FlushInvalidSessions"
<variant name=".SignatureSealing" summary="SignatureSealing"/>
<variant name=".SignatureSealing.Challenge"
<variant name=".SignatureSealing.Seal" summary="SignatureSealing::Seal"/>
<variant name=".SignatureSealing.Unseal"
<variant name=".Signing" summary="Signing"/>
<variant name=".Signing.RawSign" summary="Signing::RawSign"/>
<variant name=".Signing.Sign" summary="Signing::Sign"/>
<variant name=".Signing.Verify" summary="Signing::Verify"/>
<variant name=".State" summary="State"/>
<variant name=".State.IsEnabled" summary="State::IsEnabled"/>
<variant name=".State.IsReady" summary="State::IsReady"/>
<variant name=".State.Prepare" summary="State::Prepare"/>
<variant name=".State.WaitUntilReady" summary="State::WaitUntilReady"/>
<variant name=".Storage" summary="Storage"/>
<variant name=".Storage.Destroy" summary="Storage::Destroy"/>
<variant name=".Storage.IsReady" summary="Storage::IsReady"/>
<variant name=".Storage.IsWriteLocked" summary="Storage::IsWriteLocked"/>
<variant name=".Storage.Load" summary="Storage::Load"/>
<variant name=".Storage.Lock" summary="Storage::Lock"/>
<variant name=".Storage.Prepare" summary="Storage::Prepare"/>
<variant name=".Storage.Store" summary="Storage::Store"/>
<variant name=".U2f" summary="U2f"/>
<variant name=".U2f.Check" summary="U2f::Check"/>
<variant name=".U2f.CheckUserPresenceOnly"
<variant name=".U2f.CorpAttest" summary="U2f::CorpAttest"/>
<variant name=".U2f.G2fAttest" summary="U2f::G2fAttest"/>
<variant name=".U2f.Generate" summary="U2f::Generate"/>
<variant name=".U2f.GenerateUserPresenceOnly"
<variant name=".U2f.GetG2fAttestData" summary="U2f::GetG2fAttestData"/>
<variant name=".U2f.Sign" summary="U2f::Sign"/>
<variant name=".U2f.SignUserPresenceOnly"
<variant name=".Vendor" summary="Vendor"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.DeclareTpmFirmwareStable"
<variant name=".Vendor.GetFamily" summary="Vendor::GetFamily"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.GetFingerprint" summary="Vendor::GetFingerprint"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.GetFirmwareVersion"
<variant name=".Vendor.GetIFXFieldUpgradeInfo"
<variant name=".Vendor.GetManufacturer" summary="Vendor::GetManufacturer"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.GetRsuDeviceId" summary="Vendor::GetRsuDeviceId"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.GetRwVersion" summary="Vendor::GetRwVersion"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.GetSpecLevel" summary="Vendor::GetSpecLevel"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.GetTpmModel" summary="Vendor::GetTpmModel"/>
<variant name=".Vendor.GetVendorSpecific"
<variant name=".Vendor.IsSrkRocaVulnerable"
<variant name=".Vendor.SendRawCommand" summary="Vendor::SendRawCommand"/>
<histogram name="Platform.LogicalCpuCount" units="units"
Number of logical processors. This includes Hyperthreaded cores.
<histogram name="Platform.LotIdEnum" enum="Exynos5250LotIdEnum"
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Chrome OS (ARM Chromebooks using Exynos 5250 only) indication about whether
we're part of a special lot ID. Special lot IDs are groups of chips that
have special case handling in the kernel for the Adaptive Support Voltage
code (the normal logic doesn't work). See also Platform.AsvGroup. Note that
fused devices are never part of a special lot (currently) and only some
unfused lots are &quot;special&quot;.
<histogram name="Platform.Mem" units="%" expires_after="2022-07-02">
Various memory usage % of total memory on Chrome OS devices (snapshotted
every 30s). Warning: this histogram was expired from 2021-07-02 to 2022-01;
data may be missing.
<histogram name="Platform.Meminfo" units="KB" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Various memory usage amount on Chrome OS devices (snapshotted every 30s).
<histogram name="Platform.Memory.ARC" units="MiB" expires_after="2023-10-01">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ProcessMemoryType" -->
Memory usage of all ARC and ARCVM processes in Chrome OS, reported every 10
<histogram name="Platform.Memory.Browser" units="MiB"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ProcessMemoryType" -->
Memory usage of browser and helper processes (excluding GPU process and
renderers) in Chrome OS, reported every 10 minutes.
<histogram name="Platform.Memory.Daemons" units="MiB"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ProcessMemoryType" -->
Memory usage of user-level daemons in Chrome OS, reported every 10 minutes.
<histogram name="Platform.Memory.Gpu" units="MiB" expires_after="2023-10-15">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ProcessMemoryType" -->
Memory usage of the GPU process in Chrome OS, reported every 10 minutes.
<histogram name="Platform.Memory.Renderers" units="MiB"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ProcessMemoryType" -->
Memory usage of renderer processes in Chrome OS, reported every 10 minutes.
<histogram name="Platform.Memory.VMs" units="MiB" expires_after="2023-10-22">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ProcessMemoryType" -->
Memory usage of VMs (crostini and others, except for ARCVM) in Chrome OS,
reported every 10 minutes.
<histogram name="Platform.MemuseAnon0" units="units" expires_after="M85">
Chrome OS total anonymous memory (active + inactive) as % of total memory 1
minute after boot.
<histogram name="Platform.MemuseAnon1" units="units" expires_after="M85">
Chrome OS total anonymous memory (active + inactive) as % of total memory 5
minutes after boot.
<histogram name="Platform.MemuseAnon2" units="units" expires_after="M85">
Chrome OS total anonymous memory (active + inactive) as % of total memory 30
minutes after boot.
<histogram name="Platform.MemuseAnon3" units="units" expires_after="M85">
Chrome OS total anonymous memory (active + inactive) as % of total memory
150 minutes after boot.
<histogram name="Platform.MemuseAnon4" units="units" expires_after="M85">
Chrome OS total anonymous memory (active + inactive) as % of total memory
750 minutes after boot.
<histogram name="Platform.MiniDiag.Launch" units="launches"
Total number of launches of the MiniDiag (pre-boot diagnostic tool) since
the last upload. This metrics is recorded right after booting into ChromeOS.
This metrics leverages a coreboot command, elogtool, to retrieve the event
log and count launch events.
<histogram name="Platform.MiniDiag.OpenDuration" units="seconds"
Records the duration that the MiniDiag (pre-boot diagnostic tool) is open.
This metrics is recorded right after booting into ChromeOS. This metrics
leverages a coreboot command, elogtool, to retrieve the event log and count
launch events.
<histogram name="Platform.MiniDiag.{TestType}.OpenDuration" units="seconds"
Test item-specific duration of the MiniDiag (pre-boot diagnostic tool) since
the last upload. This metrics is recorded right after booting into ChromeOS.
This metrics leverages a coreboot command, elogtool, to retrieve the event
log and count launch events. The TestType is the same as
cros_diagnostics_diag_types listed in coreboot/util/cbfstool/eventlog.c
since all the data are parsed from them.
<token key="TestType">
<variant name="MemoryCheckFull"/>
<variant name="MemoryCheckQuick"/>
<variant name="StorageHealthInfo"/>
<variant name="StorageSelfTestExtended"/>
<variant name="StorageSelfTestShort"/>
<histogram name="Platform.MiniDiag.{TestType}.Result" enum="MiniDiagResultType"
Test item-specific results of the MiniDiag (pre-boot diagnostic tool) since
the last upload. This metrics is recorded right after booting into ChromeOS.
This metrics leverages a coreboot command, elogtool, to retrieve the event
log and count launch events. The TestType and MiniDiagResultType are the
same as cros_diagnostics_diag_types and cros_diagnostics_diag_results listed
in coreboot/util/cbfstool/eventlog.c since all the data are parsed from
<token key="TestType">
<variant name="MemoryCheckFull"/>
<variant name="MemoryCheckQuick"/>
<variant name="StorageHealthInfo"/>
<variant name="StorageSelfTestExtended"/>
<variant name="StorageSelfTestShort"/>
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.ClientEnqueueResult"
enum="EnterpriseCloudReportingStatusCode" expires_after="2023-11-30">
Recorded when missive clientlib calls ReportQueue::Enqueue to post an event
to ERP. It counts occurrences of the call returning success or each possible
error Status.
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.CpuUsage" units="%"
The percentage of CPU time that the Missive daemon has been using. The CPU
usage is not expected to be high and any usage beyond 100% is considered to
be in the overflow bucket. This is reported once every 10 minutes and only
if the Missive daemon is running.
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.MemoryUsage" units="0.1MiB"
The amount of memory that the Missive daemon has been using. This is
reported once every 10 minutes and only if the Missive daemon is running.
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.MigrationStatus"
enum="MissiveMigrationStatus" expires_after="2024-03-24">
Recorded when Missive runs the storage directory migration function (called
each time when Missive starts). It counts the status of the migration.
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.ResourceExhaustedCase"
enum="ResourceExhaustedCase" expires_after="2023-11-17">
Counter of each case RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error was returned by missive
Storage to the caller. This is reported only when such error happens
(rarely), and only if the Missive daemon is running.
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.StorageQueueGenerationIdReset" enum="Boolean"
Would only be true. Recorded whenever the generation id is reset in the
storage queue. The generation id is set up once during storage queue
initialization using the metadata file that matches the last sequencing id
used to track, deduplicate and confirm delivery by the server. The
generation id is reset when this file is missing or corrupted and the
sequencing is irreparably broken.
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.StorageUsage" units="MiB"
The amount of disk storage that the Missive daemon has been using for
storing encrypted records. This is reported once every hour and only if the
Missive daemon is running.
<histogram name="Platform.Missive.UnusualEnqueueTimestamp" enum="Boolean"
Would only be true. Recorded whenever an unusual timestamp is encountered
when enqueuing a record, which will be rejected.
<histogram name="Platform.Modemfwd.CheckForWedgedModemResult"
enum="ModemfwdCheckForWedgedModemResult" expires_after="2023-09-17">
Result of the |CheckForWedgedModem| function. The function checks the modem
state after modemfwd starts, and tries to recover the modem if the modem is
non responsive. This function is only called once after boot, so a single
value is emitted per boot.
<histogram name="Platform.Modemfwd.DlcInstallResult"
enum="ModemfwdDlcInstallResult" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Result of the DLC install action performed by modemfwd. Some device variants
use a DLC to store their FW. When this DLC is installed, a metric is logged.
<histogram name="Platform.Modemfwd.DlcUninstallResult"
enum="ModemfwdDlcUninstallResult" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Result of each DLC uninstall action performed by modemfwd. Modemfwd will
remove any modem DLCs that are not for the device's variant. Each uninstall
will log a metric.
<histogram name="Platform.Modemfwd.FWInstallResult"
enum="ModemfwdFWInstallResult" expires_after="2023-10-22">
<summary>The result of each modem FW install attempt.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.Modemfwd.FWInstallTime" units="seconds"
Metric to track time taken by modemfwd helpers in seconds to flash the
firmwares to modem. Values will be reported only for successful flashing
cases as flashing times in case of failures could be misleading.
<histogram name="Platform.Modemfwd.FWUpdateLocation"
enum="ModemfwdFWUpdateLocation" expires_after="2023-10-22">
The location that modemfwd uses for the FW install. After modemfwd
determines if a DLC will be used or not, a metric is logged with the
location used.
<histogram name="Platform.Modemfwd.ModemRecoveryState"
enum="ModemfwdModemRecoveryState" expires_after="2024-03-06">
<summary>Report state of modem recovery operation.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.MountEncrypted.EncryptionKeyStatus"
enum="MountEncryptedEncryptionKeyStatus" expires_after="2023-09-10">
File system encryption key status for the encrypted stateful file system on
Chrome OS. The encryption key is the one that is used by the kernel to
protect actual file contents on disk.
<histogram name="Platform.MountEncrypted.SystemKeyStatus"
enum="MountEncryptedSystemKeyStatus" expires_after="2023-09-10">
Type/Origin of the system key used for the encrypted stateful file system on
Chrome OS. This key is used to wrap the actual file system encryption key.
<histogram name="Platform.MountEncrypted.TimeToTakeTpmOwnership" units="ms"
The amount of time for Chrome OS mount-encrypted to take TPM ownership.
<histogram name="Platform.PageFaultsLong" units="page faults/second"
Page faults per second averaged over 30s interval, sampled continuously.
<histogram name="Platform.PageFaultsShort" units="page faults/second"
Page faults per second averaged over 1s interval, sampled every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.ReadSectorsLong" units="sectors per second"
Number of disk sectors per second read by Chrome OS in a long interval
(currently 30s)
<histogram name="Platform.ReadSectorsShort" units="sectors per second"
Number of disk sectors per second read by Chrome OS in a short interval
(currently 1s, sampled every 30s)
<histogram name="Platform.SATA.AvailableReservedSpace" units="%"
The remaining reserved space (SMART 232). The value counts down typically
from 100 to 0, sent at boot.
<histogram name="Platform.SATA.LogicalSectorsRead" units="512-byte sectors"
The total number of 512-byte sectors written during the lifetime of the
device, sent at boot.
<histogram name="Platform.SATA.LogicalSectorsWritten" units="512-byte sectors"
The total number of 512-byte sectors written during the lifetime of the
device, sent at boot.
<histogram name="Platform.SATA.PercentageUsed" units="%"
Percentage Used Endurance Indicator. A value of 0 indicates a new device, a
value of 100 indicates the device is at the end of its lifespan as projected
by the manufacturer. Values greater than 100 indicate the device is beyond
the projected lifespan. Maximum value is 255, sent at boot.
<histogram name="Platform.SmartTransferErrors" units="units"
<summary>Disk communication errors (SMART 199), sent at boot.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.SmartUncorrectableErrors" units="units"
<summary>Uncorrectable disk errors (SMART 187), sent at boot.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.SpringChargerType" units="units" expires_after="M77">
USB device ID of the charger plugged into a Spring device (if any), sent
once a minute. The Device ID is composed from the following 4 8-bit
registers of the TSU6721 chip: ADC (07h), Device Type 3 (15h), Device Type 2
(0Bh), Device Type 1 (0Ah). Device Type 1/2/3 is a bitmap and most of bits
are mutually exclusive (excepted VBUS debounce). ADC is the 5-bit value of
the ID pin, but for most types (as in Device Type), there are only one or
two possible ID pin connections/values. The datasheet can be found here:
Note that different brand/models of the charger can have the same ID.
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulFormat" enum="StatefulFormat"
<summary>Chrome OS stateful partition format. Sampled once per boot.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulFreeSpace" units="MB"
Chrome OS stateful partition space free. Sampled once daily.
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulLifetimeWrites" units="GiB"
Chrome OS stateful partition lifetime writes. Sampled once daily.
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulTrim.TimeBetweenTrim" units="hours"
The amount of time in hours since the last trim when chromeos-trim triggers
a trim for the stateful partition. The chromeos-trim script is run daily,
but a trim is only triggered if the previous run was interrupted, the amount
of writes since the last trim is greater than X% of the remaining space in
stateful or we have not trimmed in 7 days. Reported at most once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulTrim.TrimmedAmount" units="MiB"
The amount of data in the stateful partition that is erased when
chromeos-trim triggers a trim. The chromeos-trim script is run daily, but a
trim is only triggered if the previous run was interrupted, the amount of
writes since the last trim is greater than X% of the remaining space in
stateful or we have not trimmed in 7 days. Reported at most once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulUsage" units="%" expires_after="2022-04-10">
<summary>Chrome OS stateful partition usage level.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulUsedSpace" units="GB"
Chrome OS stateful partition space used. Sampled once daily.
<histogram name="Platform.StatefulWritesDaily" units="KiB"
Chrome OS stateful partition KiB writes per day. Sampled once daily.
<histogram name="Platform.Storage.Flash.BadBlocks" units="units"
The number of blocks marked bad in an MTD partition. This is relevant for
devices with raw NAND flash, such as Chromecast. Sampled once daily, if the
Chromecast is on for any significant length of time in the day.
<histogram name="Platform.Storage.Nvme.PercentageUsed" units="%"
Vendor specific estimate of the percentage of NVM subsystem life used based
on the actual usage and the manufacturer's prediction of NVM life. A value
of 100 indicates the estimated endurance has been consumed, but may not
indicate a failure. Values can exceed 100, with percentages greater than 254
represented as 255.
<histogram name="Platform.Storage.Ufs.LifeUsed" enum="EmmcLifeUsed"
UFS Device life time estimation. This field provides an indication of the
device life time based on the amount of performed program/erase cycles. The
calculation is vendor specific.
<histogram name="Platform.SwapInDaily" units="pages" expires_after="2023-09-03">
<summary>Number of pages swapped IN over a day, sampled daily.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.SwapInLong" units="pages/second"
Average pages/second swapped IN over a 30s interval, sampled every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.SwapInShort" units="pages/second"
Average pages/second swapped IN over a 1s interval, sampled every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.SwapOutDaily" units="pages"
<summary>Number of pages swapped OUT over a day, sampled daily.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.SwapOutLong" units="pages/second"
Average pages/second swapped OUT over a 30s interval, sampled every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.SwapOutShort" units="pages/second"
Average pages/second swapped OUT over a 1s interval, sampled every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.ApRoVerificationTime" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds AP RO verification took. Captured every cold boot.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.AuthErrorCode" enum="TPMResultCodeEnum"
Each sample is the result code of a TPM authorized command issued through
tcsd. Success is 0. For the other error codes, see
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.AuthFailCommand.Auth2Fail"
enum="TPM12CommandOrdinal" expires_after="2022-10-08">
Reporting the TPM command ordinal that results in TPM_E_AUTH2FAIL code. Note
that this is only applicable for TPM1.2.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.AuthFailCommand.AuthFail"
enum="TPM12CommandOrdinal" expires_after="2022-10-08">
Reporting the TPM command ordinal that results in TPM_E_AUTHFAIL code. Note
that this is only applicable for TPM1.2.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.DictionaryAttackCounter" units="units"
Each sample is the value of the TPM dictionary attack counter reported at
boot and hourly while running. Any non-zero value is unexpected.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.DictionaryAttackResetStatus"
enum="CrosTPMDictionaryAttackResetStatusEnum" expires_after="2023-08-27">
Each sample is the status of an hourly attempt to reset the TPM dictionary
attack counter.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.ErrorCode" enum="TPMResultCodeEnum"
Each sample is the result code of a TPM command issued through tcsd. Success
is 0. For the other error codes, see /usr/include/tss/tpm_error.h.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.ExpandedApRoVerificationStatus"
enum="ExpandedApRoVerificationStatus" expires_after="2023-10-22">
AP RO Verification status and detailed result. Captured every cold boot.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.FilesystemInitTime" units="ms"
Time in milliseconds filesystem initialization and scanning took. Captured
every cold boot.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.FilesystemUtilization" units="bytes"
Number of bytes used by the filesystem. Captured every cold boot.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.FirmwareUpdate.Attempts" units="attempts"
Number of attempts until a successful TPM firmware update. This is the total
sum of attempts, i.e. number of failed attempts + 1 for the final successful
attempt. Note that we're not in a position to report UMA after failed
attempts, so this will only be reported by devices that eventually see a
successful attempt.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.FirmwareUpdate.Result"
enum="TPMFirmwareUpdateResult" expires_after="2023-10-01">
<summary>Status of a complete TPM firmware update attempt.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.FirmwareUpdate.Status"
enum="TPMFirmwareUpdateStatus" expires_after="2022-07-01">
<summary>Exit status of the TPM firmware updater script.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.HardwareAlerts" enum="PlatformTPMHardwareAlerts"
Trusted Platform Module hardware alerts that signal about the chip abnormal
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.PowerWashResult" enum="TPMPowerWashResult"
Report if TPM clear is success or not after a power wash. TPM should not be
owned after the power wash.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.TakeOwnershipResult"
enum="TPMTakeOwnershipResult" expires_after="2023-09-29">
Report the TPM ownership can be take or not for each TPM initialization
process. The process usually happen at the first boot of device.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.TimeToTakeOwnership" units="ms"
The amount of time for Chrome OS to take TPM ownership. Recorded when
tpm_manager takes the ownership of TPM.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.TpmManagerSecretStatus"
enum="TpmManagerSecretStatus" expires_after="2023-10-22">
The status of the secrets that tpm manager holds.
Warning: this histogram was expired from 2021-09-01 to 2022-06-14; data may
be missing.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM.VersionFingerprint" enum="TPMVersionFingerprint"
Indicates a fingerprint of hardware + firmware versions for the TPM chip
present in a Chrome OS device.
<histogram name="Platform.TPM1.CommandAndResponse.{Client}"
enum="TPM1CommandAndResponse" expires_after="2023-12-20">
The TPM1 command and response code send from {Client} to trousers. The value
is the encoding of 2 bytes command code and 2 bytes response code.
<token key="Client">
<variant name="Attestation"/>
<variant name="Chaps"/>
<variant name="Cryptohome"/>
<variant name="TpmManager"/>
<variant name="TrunksSend"/>
<variant name="U2f"/>
<variant name="Unknown"/>
<variant name="Vtpm"/>
<histogram name="Platform.TPM2.CommandAndResponse.{Client}"
enum="TPM2CommandAndResponse" expires_after="2023-12-20">
The TPM2 command and response code send from {Client} to trunks. The value
is the encoding of 2 bytes command code and 2 bytes response code.
<token key="Client">
<variant name="Attestation"/>
<variant name="Chaps"/>
<variant name="Cryptohome"/>
<variant name="TpmManager"/>
<variant name="TrunksSend"/>
<variant name="U2f"/>
<variant name="Unknown"/>
<variant name="Vtpm"/>
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.FirstTimeoutReadingCommand"
enum="TPMCommandCode" expires_after="2022-01-14">
<summary>Command code of the first timeout reading TPM command</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.FirstTimeoutReadingTime" units="seconds"
<summary>System uptime when first timeout reading TPM command occurs</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.FirstTimeoutWritingCommand"
enum="TPMCommandCode" expires_after="2023-08-27">
<summary>Command code of the first timeout writing TPM command</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.FirstTimeoutWritingTime" units="seconds"
<summary>System uptime when first timeout writing TPM command occurs</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.RecoverableWriteErrorNo" enum="PopularOSErrno"
The write errno recovered after rebinding the TPM driver; recorded only once
when trunks notices the write errno is gone after restart.
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.TpmErrorCode" enum="TPMResponseCode"
Each sample is the result code of a TPM command issued through trunks. For
the error codes, see src/platform2/trunks/tpm_generated.h.
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.TransitionedWriteErrorNo"
enum="PopularOSErrno" expires_after="2023-08-01">
The write errno changed after rebinding the TPM driver; recorded only once
when trunks notices the write errno has changed after restart.
<histogram name="Platform.Trunks.UnrecoverableWriteErrorNo"
enum="PopularOSErrno" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The sticky write errno after rebinding the TPM driver; recorded only once
when trunks notices the write errno isn't changed after restart.
<histogram name="Platform.U2F.Command" enum="Cr50U2FCommands"
<summary>Records occurrences of U2F commands sent to cr50.</summary>
<histogram name="Platform.UnaggregatedUsageTime" units="seconds"
Use time (device ON and not asleep) in a particular period (approximately
every five minutes). To compute usage time in a given period (e.g. a day),
sum up all reported values of this metric for that period (day). As with
other UMA metrics on CrOS, this will be uploaded roughly every half-hour.
This will eventually supercede Platform.DailyUseTime, which has significant
limitations (e.g. it may not report on the right day).
<histogram name="Platform.UnaggregatedUsageTimeTooBig" units="seconds"
Use time samples that would have gone to Platform.UnaggregatedUsageTime, but
which are implausibly big. For example, we've seen individual samples of ~1
billion seconds, and many more of over 1 million seconds, which are both far
too large to be valid data. metrics_daemon records this metric whenever an
individual 5-minute usage sample exceeds 2 hours (defined by
kMaxAcceptableUnaggregatedUsageTime, in, in platform2).
<histogram name="Platform.UncleanShutdownsDaily" units="count per day"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Count of unclean OS shutdowns during the previous day, or the most recent
day the device was in use. Specifically, the counter is incremented during
boot if the OS did not shut down cleanly and the previous shutdown was not
due to a kernel crash (kernel crashes are counted elsewere) and the previous
shutdown did not occur while the device was suspended (failures while
suspended are assumed to be the battery running down). Reported at most once
a day.
<histogram name="Platform.UserCrashesDaily" units="count per day"
<!-- expires-never: Used to assess Chrome OS platform stability. -->
Count of crashes (user) during the previous day, or the most recent day the
device was in use. Reported at most once a day.
<histogram name="Platform.WiFiDeviceCount" units="wifi devices"
Sample collected 10s after boot, showing how many WiFi interfaces are
<histogram name="Platform.WiFiDisapppearedFromPCI" units="units"
Logged (with a constant value of 1) if a WiFi device experienced a PCI
failure such that it is being removed from the system. Typically, Chrome OS
will follow such a removal with an attempt to rescan the bus and recover
device functionality. See also Platform.WiFiStatusAfterForcedPCIRescan for
the result of such attempts.
<histogram name="Platform.WiFiStatusAfterForcedPCIRescan" enum="WiFiPCIStatus"
Shows the WiFi status after the PCI bus is rescanned to recover WiFi. The UI
depends on shill noticing that wlan0 is back up, so the only happy case is
one where shill recognizes wlan0 after the rescan completes.
<histogram name="Platform.WriteSectorsLong" units="sectors per second"
Number of disk sectors per second written by Chrome OS in a long interval
(currently 30s)
<histogram name="Platform.WriteSectorsShort" units="sectors per second"
Number of disk sectors per second written by Chrome OS in a short interval
(currently 1s, sampled every 30s)
<histogram name="Platform.ZramCompressedSize" units="MB"
Compressed swap size in megabytes. This is the actual amount of RAM used by
the system to compress memory (i.e. after compression). Snapshot every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.ZramCompressionRatioPercent" units="%"
The ratio of compressed memory (zram) before and after compression when the
denominator at least 1 MB. Ratios of interest are between 1 and 6 (typically
between 2 and 3), and we express them as a percentage (between 100% and
600%). The size of memory before compression includes zero-filled pages.
Values close to 100% indicate low compression effectiveness. Snapshot every
<histogram name="Platform.ZramIncompressiblePages" units="pages"
Number of incompressible pages stored in zram. A large number suggests lower
compression effectiveness. Snapshot every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.ZramIncompressibleRatioPercent.PostCompression"
units="%" expires_after="2021-03-06">
The fraction of compressed memory that consists of incompressible pages. We
express this as a percentage (between 0% and 100%). Values close to 100%
mean we are not able to effectively benefit from compression. Snapshot every
<histogram name="Platform.ZramIncompressibleRatioPercent.PreCompression"
units="%" expires_after="2021-03-06">
The fraction of the uncompressed memory size that consists of incompressible
pages. We express this as a percentage (between 0% and 100%). Values close
to 100% mean we are not able to effectively benefit from compression.
Snapshot every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.ZramSavings" units="MB" expires_after="2021-07-02">
RAM savings in megabytes from using memory compression. This is the
difference between the RAM size before and after compression. Snapshot every
<histogram name="Platform.ZramZeroPages" units="pages"
Number of zero-filled pages that the OS is compressing. A large number
suggests wasteful allocation. Snapshot every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.ZramZeroRatioPercent" units="%"
The fraction of compressed memory that consists of zero-filled pages.
Snapshot every 30s.
<histogram name="Platform.{GSC}.ARVStatus" enum="GscArvStatus"
A histogram of values representing AP RO verification state on ChromeOS
devices in the field. The values are collected on each ChromeOS start up and
are clustered in two ranges: 0..7 and 20..34, both ranges could grow.
Cr50 and Ti50 are two generations of GSC (Google Security Chip), their AP RO
verification states are named such that it is clear which particular chip
version they refer to.
<token key="GSC">
<variant name="Cr50"/>
<variant name="Ti50"/>
<histogram name="Platform.{GSC}.BoardIdFlags" enum="Cr50BoardIdFlags"
A sparse histogram of values of Board ID flags programmed in GSC devices in
the field. Board ID flags is a 32 bit field, and while there only are a few
expected values, conceivably any bit combination could be encountered.
<token key="GSC">
<variant name="Cr50"/>
<variant name="Ti50"/>
<histogram name="Platform.{GSC}.BoardIdOfRlzMismatch" enum="Cr50CrosRlzCodes"
A sparse histogram of values indexed by 4 byte Board ID code programmed in
GSC reported by devices where there is a mismatch between the RLZ code and
the Board ID value programmed in the GSC.
<token key="GSC">
<variant name="Cr50"/>
<variant name="Ti50"/>
<histogram name="Platform.{GSC}.FlashLog" enum="Cr50FlashLogs"
A histogram of flash log event types collected from the GSC device. Log
event type is an 8 bit value. This histogram does not allow to drill into
particular log entries' contents, but allows to collect a general statistics
of events. A script running on the Chrome OS device polls the GSC for new
flash log events after every start up.
<token key="GSC">
<variant name="Cr50"/>
<variant name="Ti50"/>
<histogram name="Platform.{GSC}.MatchingBoardId" enum="Cr50CrosRlzCodes"
A sparse histogram of values indexed by 4 byte Board ID code programmed in
GSC, reported by devices where there is no mismatch between the RLZ code and
the Board ID value.
<token key="GSC">
<variant name="Cr50"/>
<variant name="Ti50"/>
<histogram name="Platform.{GSC}.RlzOfBoardIdMismatch" enum="Cr50CrosRlzCodes"
A sparse histogram of values indexed by 4 byte RLZ code reported by devices
where there is a mismatch between the RLZ code and the Board ID value
programmed in the GSC. Since RLZ code could be misprogrammed, a sparse
histogram is used to allow keeping track of outliers.
<token key="GSC">
<variant name="Cr50"/>
<variant name="Ti50"/>
<histogram name="PlatformFile.UnknownErrors.Windows" enum="WinGetLastError"
Errors returned by CreateFile on Windows that PlatformFileError doesn't yet