blob: c41a2b0c42c84ccd07c9330265c03a8981c26a42 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Prefetch histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<variants name="PreloadingPredictor">
<variant name="BackButtonHover"
summary="When the user hovers their mouse over the back button."/>
<variant name="BackGestureNavigation"
summary="When overscroll that could trigger a back navigation starts."/>
<variant name="DefaultSearchEngine"
summary="When preloading is triggered from the default search engine
suggest service."/>
<variant name="kLinkRel"
summary="When preloading is triggered by the 'rel' keyword embedded in
the link element."/>
<variant name="kUnspecified" summary=""/>
<variant name="kUrlPointerDownOnAnchor"
summary="When preloading is triggered by OnPointerDown."/>
<variant name="kUrlPointerHoverOnAnchor"
summary="When preloading is triggered by OnPointerHover."/>
<variant name="MouseBackButton"
summary="When a mouse down of a mouse back button is seen."/>
<variant name="OmniboxDirectURLInput"
summary="When preloading is triggered from the Omnibox DUI."/>
<variant name="OmniboxMousePredictor"
summary="When preloading is triggered from the default search suggest
due to mousedown on a Omnibox Search suggestion."/>
<variant name="OmniboxSearchPredictor"
summary="When preloading is triggered from the default search suggest
due to change in Omnibox selection."/>
<variant name="PointerDownOnAnchor"
summary="When a pointerdown event happens on a HTTP/HTTPS anchor."/>
<variant name="SpeculationRules"
summary="When preloading is triggered by the speculation rules."/>
<variants name="PreloadingType">
<variant name="NoStatePrefetch" summary=""/>
<variant name="Preconnect" summary=""/>
<variant name="Prefetch" summary=""/>
<variant name="Prerender" summary=""/>
<variant name="Unspecified" summary=""/>
<histogram name="Preloading.AnchorElementPreloader.PreloadingTriggered"
enum="AnchorElementPreloaderType" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Logged once for each preconnection request sent by renderer to the browser
when intercepting pointerdown events. Note that the browser may ignore some
of those requests (like duplicate requests or requests made by users that
disabled preloading via the UI) and will not always forward the preconnect
request to the network service. Associated with the Source ID of the page
triggering the preconnection.
<histogram name="Preloading.Predictor.{PreloadingPredictor}.Precision"
enum="PredictorConfusionMatrix" expires_after="2024-06-01">
After the user starts a new navigation, the outcome of the
{PreloadingPredictor} preloading predictor is recorded as a true positive or
a false positive. These statistics are used to compute precision of the
preloading predictor. The statistics about negative cases are not required
to compute the precision and are not recorded here.
<token key="PreloadingPredictor" variants="PreloadingPredictor"/>
<histogram name="Preloading.Predictor.{PreloadingPredictor}.Recall"
enum="PredictorConfusionMatrix" expires_after="2024-06-01">
After the user starts a new navigation, the outcome of any eligible
{PreloadingPredictor} preloading predictor is recorded as a true positive or
a false negative. These statistics are used to compute recall of the
preloading predictor. The statistics about false positive and true negative
cases are not required to compute the recall and are not recorded here.
<token key="PreloadingPredictor" variants="PreloadingPredictor"/>
enum="PrerenderBackNavigationEligibility" expires_after="2023-09-09">
Records whether prerendering a back navigation is possible at the time of
the prediction of a back navigation by {PreloadingPredictor}.
<token key="PreloadingPredictor" variants="PreloadingPredictor"/>
enum="PredictorConfusionMatrix" expires_after="2024-06-01">
After the user starts a new navigation, the outcome of the preloading
attempt of type {PreloadingType} that is triggered by {PreloadingPredictor}
is recorded as a true positive or a false positive. These statistics are
used to compute precision of the preloading attempt. The statistics about
negative cases are not required to compute the precision and are not
recorded here.
<token key="PreloadingType" variants="PreloadingType"/>
<token key="PreloadingPredictor" variants="PreloadingPredictor"/>
enum="PredictorConfusionMatrix" expires_after="2024-06-01">
After the user starts a new navigation, the outcome of any eligible
preloading attempt of type {PreloadingType} that is triggered by
{PreloadingPredictor} or the lack of an attempt by an eligible predictor is
recorded as a true positive or a false negative. These statistics are used
to compute recall of the preloading attempt. The statistics about false
positive and true negative cases are not required to compute the recall and
are not recorded here.
<token key="PreloadingType" variants="PreloadingType"/>
<token key="PreloadingPredictor" variants="PreloadingPredictor"/>
enum="PreloadingTriggeringOutcome" expires_after="2024-06-01">
Records the triggering outcome of a preloading attempt of type
{PreloadingType} and triggered by {PreloadingPredictor} that happened on the
previous page load at the time a new navigation is started.
<token key="PreloadingType" variants="PreloadingType"/>
<token key="PreloadingPredictor" variants="PreloadingPredictor"/>