Update codespell_lib/_codespell.py

Co-authored-by: bl-ue <54780737+bl-ue@users.noreply.github.com>
diff --git a/codespell_lib/_codespell.py b/codespell_lib/_codespell.py
index f6e8580..d0b43ee 100755
--- a/codespell_lib/_codespell.py
+++ b/codespell_lib/_codespell.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 # While we want to treat characters like ( or " as okay for a starting break,
 # these may occur unescaped in URIs, and so we are more restrictive on the
 # endpoint.  Emails are more restrictive, so the endpoint remains flexible.
-uri_regex_def = (u"(\\b(?:https?|t?ftp|file|git|smb)://[^\\s]+(?=$|\\s)|"
+uri_regex_def = (u"(\\b(?:https?|[ts]?ftp|file|git|smb)://[^\\s]+(?=$|\\s)|"
 encodings = ('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1')
 USAGE = """