| black-hat->malicious actor, attacker, |
| blackhat->malicious actor, attacker, |
| blacklist->blocklist |
| blacklists->blocklists |
| blueish->bluish |
| cripples->slows down, hinders, obstructs, |
| crippling->attenuating, incapacitating, |
| dummy-value->placeholder value |
| girlfriend-test->user test, acceptance test, validation test, ease-of-use test, friendliness test, useability test, |
| man-hour->staff hour, volunteer hour, hour of effort, person-hour, |
| man-hours->staff hours, volunteer hours, hours of effort, person-hours, |
| man-in-the-middle->on-path attacker, adversary-in-the-middle, interceptor, intermediary, machine-in-the-middle, person-in-the-middle, |
| manned->crewed, staffed, monitored, human operated, |
| master->primary, leader, active, writer, coordinator, parent, manager, main, |
| masters->primaries, leaders, actives, writers, coordinators, parents, managers, |
| middleman->intermediary, broker, |
| mom-test->user test, acceptance test, validation test, ease-of-use test, friendliness test, useability test, |
| sanity-check->test, verification, |
| sanity-checks->tests, verifications, |
| sanity-test->test, verification, |
| sanity-tests->tests, verifications, |
| segregation->separation, segmentation, |
| segregations->separations, segmentations, |
| slave->secondary, follower, standby, replica, reader, worker, helper, subordinate, subsystem, |
| slaves->secondaries, followers, standbys, replicas, readers, workers, helpers, subordinates, |
| whitelist->allowlist, permitlist, |
| whitelists->allowlists, permitlists, |