blob: 27ff22ef40fdfa74bf32f54898c440e72fb267cb [file] [log] [blame]
trunc() {
echo ... truncated output ...
trunc_command() {
pcommand "$@"
add_ws() {
praw cat '>>' $WS '<<EOF'
echo -e "$1"
echo EOF
echo -e "$1" >> $WS
ed_ws() {
echo -ne "\x1B[37;1m$ echo -e "
echo -n "'$1'"
echo -e " | ed $WS\x1B[m"
echo -e "$1" | ed $WS
# needs an extra echo afterwards
map() {
run git map
\"You recall what happened on Mulholland drive?\" The ceiling fan rotated slowly
overhead, barely disturbing the thick cigarette smoke. No doubt was left about
when the fan was last cleaned."
There was an poignant pause."
Mr. Usagi felt that something wasn't right. Shortly after the Domo-Kun left he
began feeling sick."
trunc_command fetch chromium
pcommand cd src
comment "(only on linux)"
trunc_command ./build/
comment "Pull in all dependencies for HEAD"
trunc_command gclient sync
comment "Let's fix something!"
run git new-branch fix_typo
ed_ws "$ED1"
run git commit -am 'Fix terrible typo.'
run git status
trunc_command git cl upload -r --send-mail
comment "While we wait for feedback, let's do something else."
run git new-branch chap2
run git map-branches
add_ws "$ADD1"
run git status
comment "Someone on the code review pointed out that our typo-fix has a typo :("
comment "We're still working on 'chap2' but we really want to land"
comment "'fix_typo', so let's switch over and fix it."
run git freeze
run git checkout fix_typo 2>&1
ed_ws "$ED2"
run git upstream-diff --wordwise
run git commit -am 'Fix typo for good!'
trunc_command git cl upload
comment "Since we got lgtm, let the CQ land it."
pcommand git cl set_commit
comment "Switch back to where we were using the nav* commands (for fun..."
comment "git checkout would work here too)"
run git map-branches
run git nav-upstream 2>&1
pcommand git nav-downstream
git nav-downstream --pick 0 2>&1
run git map-branches
comment "Now we can pick up on chapter2 where we left off."
run git thaw
run git diff
add_ws "$ADD2"
run git diff
run git commit -am 'Finish chapter 2'
trunc_command git cl upload -r --send-mail
comment "We poke a committer until they lgtm :)"
pcommand git cl set_commit
comment "While that runs through the CQ, let's get started on chapter 3."
comment "Since we know that chapter 3 depends on chapter 2, we'll track the"
comment "current chapter2 branch."
run git new-branch --upstream_current chap3
add_ws "$ADD3"
run git commit -am 'beginning of chapter 3'
comment "We haven't updated the code in a while, so let's do that now."
pcommand git rebase-update
echo Fetching origin
git fetch origin 2>&1 | grep -v 'stage'
silent git update-ref refs/remotes/origin/master stage_2
silent git tag -d $(git tag -l 'stage_*')
git rebase-update --no_fetch
comment "Well look at that. The CQ landed our typo and chapter2 branches "
comment "already and git rebase-update cleaned them up for us."
trunc_command gclient sync
comment "Someone on IRC mentions that they actually landed a chapter 3 already!"
comment "We should pull their changes before continuing. Brace for"
comment "a code conflict!"
pcommand git rebase-update
echo Fetching origin
git fetch origin 2>&1 | grep -v 'stage'
silent git tag -d $(git tag -l 'stage_*')
echo Rebasing: chap2
silent git rebase-update
echo ... lots of output, it\'s a conflict alright :\(...
run git diff
comment "Oh, well, that's not too bad. In fact... that's a terrible chapter 3!"
praw \$EDITOR "$WS"
echo "... /me deletes bad chapter 3 ..."
silent git checkout --theirs -- "$WS"
run git add "$WS"
run git diff --cached
comment "Much better"
run git rebase --continue
run git rebase-update
silent git tag -d $(git tag -l 'stage_*')
trunc_command gclient sync
trunc_command git cl upload