blob: dd9868db31902ff69491c4e13e182493d554bec5 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Astroid hooks for the Python 2 GObject introspection bindings.
Helps with understanding everything imported from 'gi.repository'
import inspect
import sys
import re
from astroid import MANAGER, AstroidBuildingException
from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder
_inspected_modules = {}
_identifier_re = r'^[A-Za-z_]\w*$'
def _gi_build_stub(parent):
Inspect the passed module recursively and build stubs for functions,
classes, etc.
classes = {}
functions = {}
constants = {}
methods = {}
for name in dir(parent):
if name.startswith("__"):
# Check if this is a valid name in python
if not re.match(_identifier_re, name):
obj = getattr(parent, name)
if inspect.isclass(obj):
classes[name] = obj
elif (inspect.isfunction(obj) or
functions[name] = obj
elif (inspect.ismethod(obj) or
methods[name] = obj
elif type(obj) in [int, str]:
constants[name] = obj
elif (str(obj).startswith("<flags") or
str(obj).startswith("<enum ") or
str(obj).startswith("<GType ") or
constants[name] = 0
elif callable(obj):
# Fall back to a function for anything callable
functions[name] = obj
# Assume everything else is some manner of constant
constants[name] = 0
ret = ""
if constants:
ret += "# %s contants\n\n" % parent.__name__
for name in sorted(constants):
if name[0].isdigit():
# GDK has some busted constant names like
# Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS
val = constants[name]
strval = str(val)
if type(val) is str:
strval = '"%s"' % str(val).replace("\\", "\\\\")
ret += "%s = %s\n" % (name, strval)
if ret:
ret += "\n\n"
if functions:
ret += "# %s functions\n\n" % parent.__name__
for name in sorted(functions):
func = functions[name]
ret += "def %s(*args, **kwargs):\n" % name
ret += " pass\n"
if ret:
ret += "\n\n"
if methods:
ret += "# %s methods\n\n" % parent.__name__
for name in sorted(methods):
func = methods[name]
ret += "def %s(self, *args, **kwargs):\n" % name
ret += " pass\n"
if ret:
ret += "\n\n"
if classes:
ret += "# %s classes\n\n" % parent.__name__
for name in sorted(classes):
ret += "class %s(object):\n" % name
classret = _gi_build_stub(classes[name])
if not classret:
classret = "pass\n"
for line in classret.splitlines():
ret += " " + line + "\n"
ret += "\n"
return ret
# Overwrite Module.module_import to _actually_ import the introspected module if
# it's a gi module, then build stub code by examining its info and get an astng
# from that
from astroid.scoped_nodes import Module
_orig_import_module = Module.import_module
def _new_import_module(self, modname, relative_only=False, level=None):
# Could be a static piece of gi.repository or whatever unrelated module,
# let that fall through
return _orig_import_module(self, modname, relative_only, level)
except AstroidBuildingException:
# we only consider gi.repository submodules
if not modname.startswith('gi.repository.'):
if relative_only and level is None:
level = 0
modname = self.relative_to_absolute_name(modname, level)
if not modname.startswith('gi.repository.'):
# build astroid representation unless we already tried so
if modname not in _inspected_modules:
modnames = [modname]
# GLib and GObject have some special case handling
# in pygobject that we need to cope with
if modname == 'gi.repository.GLib':
elif modname == 'gi.repository.GObject':
modcode = ''
for m in modnames:
modcode += _gi_build_stub(sys.modules[m])
except ImportError:
astng = _inspected_modules[modname] = None
astng = AstroidBuilder(MANAGER).string_build(modcode, modname)
_inspected_modules[modname] = astng
astng = _inspected_modules[modname]
if astng is None:
raise AstroidBuildingException('Failed to import module %r' % modname)
return astng
Module.import_module = _new_import_module