Add ability to skip dependency checks and uploads for particular branches.

After this CL is in users will be able to skip dependency checks and uploads for specific branches locally by running (using test2 as a branch name):
git config branch.test2.skip-deps-uploads True
To undo the skipping:
git config --unset branch.test2.skip-deps-uploads

To do the above commands globally (across all checkouts):
git config --global branch.test2.skip-deps-uploads True
git config --global --unset branch.test2.skip-deps-uploads


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
diff --git a/ b/
index bad7c57..28f99fa 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -554,6 +554,11 @@
   def GetBugPrefix(self):
     return self._GetRietveldConfig('bug-prefix', error_ok=True)
+  def GetIsSkipDependencyUpload(self, branch_name):
+    """Returns true if specified branch should skip dep uploads."""
+    return self._GetBranchConfig(branch_name, 'skip-deps-uploads',
+                                 error_ok=True)
   def GetRunPostUploadHook(self):
     run_post_upload_hook = self._GetRietveldConfig(
         'run-post-upload-hook', error_ok=True)
@@ -605,6 +610,9 @@
   def _GetRietveldConfig(self, param, **kwargs):
     return self._GetConfig('rietveld.' + param, **kwargs)
+  def _GetBranchConfig(self, branch_name, param, **kwargs):
+    return self._GetConfig('branch.' + branch_name + '.' + param, **kwargs)
   def _GetConfig(self, param, **kwargs):
     return RunGit(['config', param], **kwargs).strip()
@@ -2191,21 +2199,27 @@
     if remote is '.':
       # A local branch is being tracked.
       local_branch = ShortBranchName(upstream_branch)
-      auth_config = auth.extract_auth_config_from_options(options)
-      branch_cl = Changelist(branchref=local_branch, auth_config=auth_config)
-      branch_cl_issue_url = branch_cl.GetIssueURL()
-      branch_cl_issue = branch_cl.GetIssue()
-      branch_cl_patchset = branch_cl.GetPatchset()
-      if branch_cl_issue_url and branch_cl_issue and branch_cl_patchset:
-        upload_args.extend(
-            ['--depends_on_patchset', '%s:%s' % (
-                 branch_cl_issue, branch_cl_patchset)])
+      if settings.GetIsSkipDependencyUpload(local_branch):
-        print ('The current branch (%s) is tracking a local branch (%s) with '
-               'an associated CL.') % (cl.GetBranch(), local_branch)
-        print 'Adding %s/#ps%s as a dependency patchset.' % (
-            branch_cl_issue_url, branch_cl_patchset)
+        print ('Skipping dependency patchset upload because git config '
+               'branch.%s.skip-deps-uploads is set to True.' % local_branch)
+      else:
+        auth_config = auth.extract_auth_config_from_options(options)
+        branch_cl = Changelist(branchref=local_branch, auth_config=auth_config)
+        branch_cl_issue_url = branch_cl.GetIssueURL()
+        branch_cl_issue = branch_cl.GetIssue()
+        branch_cl_patchset = branch_cl.GetPatchset()
+        if branch_cl_issue_url and branch_cl_issue and branch_cl_patchset:
+          upload_args.extend(
+              ['--depends_on_patchset', '%s:%s' % (
+                   branch_cl_issue, branch_cl_patchset)])
+          print
+          print ('The current branch (%s) is tracking a local branch (%s) with '
+                 'an associated CL.') % (cl.GetBranch(), local_branch)
+          print 'Adding %s/#ps%s as a dependency patchset.' % (
+              branch_cl_issue_url, branch_cl_patchset)
+          print
   project = settings.GetProject()
   if project:
@@ -2256,7 +2270,14 @@
 @subcommand.usage('[args to "git diff"]')
 def CMDupload(parser, args):
-  """Uploads the current changelist to codereview."""
+  """Uploads the current changelist to codereview.
+  Can skip dependency patchset uploads for a branch by running:
+    git config branch.branch_name.skip-deps-uploads True
+  To unset run:
+    git config --unset branch.branch_name.skip-deps-uploads
+  Can also set the above globally by using the --global flag.
+  """
   parser.add_option('--bypass-hooks', action='store_true', dest='bypass_hooks',
                     help='bypass upload presubmit hook')
   parser.add_option('--bypass-watchlists', action='store_true',