upload.py: Fix immutable exception attribute.

  - Actually failed login, watched error message get printed.

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1063143003

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/tools/depot_tools@294705 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
diff --git a/third_party/upload.py b/third_party/upload.py
index 1101f26..a36aa9c 100755
--- a/third_party/upload.py
+++ b/third_party/upload.py
@@ -397,9 +397,10 @@
           e = exc
       if e:
         print >> sys.stderr, ''
+        error_message = e.reason
         if error_map:
-          e.reason = error_map.get(e.reason, e.reason)
-        if e.reason == "BadAuthentication":
+          error_message = error_map.get(error_message, error_message)
+        if error_message == "BadAuthentication":
           if e.info == "InvalidSecondFactor":
             print >> sys.stderr, (
                 "Use an application-specific password instead "
@@ -408,26 +409,26 @@
             print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid username or password."
-        elif e.reason == "CaptchaRequired":
+        elif error_message == "CaptchaRequired":
           print >> sys.stderr, (
               "Please go to\n"
               "and verify you are a human.  Then try again.\n"
               "If you are using a Google Apps account the URL is:\n"
-        elif e.reason == "NotVerified":
+        elif error_message == "NotVerified":
           print >> sys.stderr, "Account not verified."
-        elif e.reason == "TermsNotAgreed":
+        elif error_message == "TermsNotAgreed":
           print >> sys.stderr, "User has not agreed to TOS."
-        elif e.reason == "AccountDeleted":
+        elif error_message == "AccountDeleted":
           print >> sys.stderr, "The user account has been deleted."
-        elif e.reason == "AccountDisabled":
+        elif error_message == "AccountDisabled":
           print >> sys.stderr, "The user account has been disabled."
-        elif e.reason == "ServiceDisabled":
+        elif error_message == "ServiceDisabled":
           print >> sys.stderr, ("The user's access to the service has been "
-        elif e.reason == "ServiceUnavailable":
+        elif error_message == "ServiceUnavailable":
           print >> sys.stderr, "The service is not available; try again later."
           # Unknown error.