blob: de94d4bad90bcb658b29c021393a19e2bfcff14b [file] [log] [blame]
Name: boto
Version: 2.8.0
License: MIT
Python interface to Amazon Web Services.
* Removed boto/docs/
* Removed boto/tests/
* Removed boto/boto/
* Removed boto/boto/pylintrc
* Removed boto/boto/ec2
* Removed boto/boto/beanstalk
* Removed boto/boto/cloudsearch
* Removed boto/boto/dynamodb
* Removed boto/boto/swf
* Removed boto/boto/rds
* Removed boto/boto/sdb
* Removed boto/boto/vpc
* Removed boto/boto/route53
* Removed boto/boto/iam
* Removed boto/boto/sns
* Removed boto/boto/cloudformations
* Removed boto/boto/elasticache
* Removed boto/boto/elastictranscoder
* Removed boto/boto/mturk
* Removed boto/boto/cloudfront
* Removed boto/boto/sqs
* Removed boto/boto/mws
* Removed boto/boto/emr
* Removed boto/boto/pyami/installers
* Removed boto/bin
* Removed boto/.gitignore
* Removed boto/.travis.yml
* Removed boto/Changelog.rst
* Removed boto/
* Moved boto down to be a first level directory
Full license is in the LICENSE file.