blob: 73517903c2a3096e031201fe656f7e4bf68945c8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Provides a short mapping of all the branches in your local repo, organized by
their upstream ('tracking branch') layout. Example:
Branches are colorized as follows:
* Red - a remote branch (usually the root of all local branches)
* Cyan - a local branch which is the same as HEAD
* Note that multiple branches may be Cyan, if they are all on the same
commit, and you have that commit checked out.
* Green - a local branch
* Magenta - a tag
* Magenta '{NO UPSTREAM}' - If you have local branches which do not track any
upstream, then you will see this.
import collections
import sys
from third_party import colorama
from third_party.colorama import Fore, Style
from git_common import current_branch, branches, upstream, hash_one, hash_multi
from git_common import tags
def color_for_branch(branch, branch_hash, cur_hash, tag_set):
if branch.startswith('origin'):
color = Fore.RED
elif branch == NO_UPSTREAM or branch in tag_set:
color = Fore.MAGENTA
elif branch_hash == cur_hash:
color = Fore.CYAN
color = Fore.GREEN
if branch_hash == cur_hash:
color += Style.BRIGHT
color += Style.NORMAL
return color
def print_branch(cur, cur_hash, branch, branch_hashes, par_map, branch_map,
tag_set, depth=0):
branch_hash = branch_hashes[branch]
color = color_for_branch(branch, branch_hash, cur_hash, tag_set)
suffix = ''
if cur == 'HEAD':
if branch_hash == cur_hash:
suffix = ' *'
elif branch == cur:
suffix = ' *'
print color + " "*depth + branch + suffix
for child in par_map.pop(branch, ()):
print_branch(cur, cur_hash, child, branch_hashes, par_map, branch_map,
tag_set, depth=depth+1)
def main(argv):
assert len(argv) == 1, "No arguments expected"
branch_map = {}
par_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
for branch in branches():
par = upstream(branch) or NO_UPSTREAM
branch_map[branch] = par
current = current_branch()
hashes = hash_multi(current, *branch_map.keys())
current_hash = hashes[0]
par_hashes = {k: hashes[i+1] for i, k in enumerate(branch_map.iterkeys())}
par_hashes[NO_UPSTREAM] = 0
tag_set = tags()
while par_map:
for parent in par_map:
if parent not in branch_map:
if parent not in par_hashes:
par_hashes[parent] = hash_one(parent)
print_branch(current, current_hash, parent, par_hashes, par_map,
branch_map, tag_set)
if __name__ == '__main__':