blob: caf3e6849b739f86b39474631b702b28cc42cc97 [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import subprocess
import pytest
from pre_commit_hooks.check_added_large_files import find_large_added_files
from pre_commit_hooks.check_added_large_files import main
from pre_commit_hooks.util import cmd_output
from testing.util import cwd
from testing.util import write_file
def test_nothing_added(temp_git_dir):
with cwd(temp_git_dir):
assert find_large_added_files([''], 0) == 0
def test_adding_something(temp_git_dir):
with cwd(temp_git_dir):
write_file('', "print('hello world')")
cmd_output('git', 'add', '')
# Should fail with max size of 0
assert find_large_added_files([''], 0) == 1
def test_add_something_giant(temp_git_dir):
with cwd(temp_git_dir):
write_file('', 'a' * 10000)
# Should not fail when not added
assert find_large_added_files([''], 0) == 0
cmd_output('git', 'add', '')
# Should fail with strict bound
assert find_large_added_files([''], 0) == 1
# Should also fail with actual bound
assert find_large_added_files([''], 9) == 1
# Should pass with higher bound
assert find_large_added_files([''], 10) == 0
def test_added_file_not_in_pre_commits_list(temp_git_dir):
with cwd(temp_git_dir):
write_file('', "print('hello world')")
cmd_output('git', 'add', '')
# Should pass even with a size of 0
assert find_large_added_files([''], 0) == 0
def test_integration(temp_git_dir):
with cwd(temp_git_dir):
assert main(argv=[]) == 0
write_file('', 'a' * 10000)
cmd_output('git', 'add', '')
# Should not fail with default
assert main(argv=['']) == 0
# Should fail with --maxkb
assert main(argv=['--maxkb', '9', '']) == 1
def has_gitlfs():
output = cmd_output('git', 'lfs', retcode=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return 'git lfs status' in output
xfailif_no_gitlfs = pytest.mark.xfail(
not has_gitlfs(), reason='This test requires git-lfs',
def test_allows_gitlfs(temp_git_dir): # pragma: no cover
with cwd(temp_git_dir):
# Work around
cmd_output('git', 'commit', '--allow-empty', '-m', 'foo')
cmd_output('git', 'lfs', 'install')
write_file('', 'a' * 10000)
cmd_output('git', 'lfs', 'track', '')
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
# Should succeed
assert main(('--maxkb', '9', '')) == 0
def test_moves_with_gitlfs(temp_git_dir): # pragma: no cover
with cwd(temp_git_dir):
cmd_output('git', 'lfs', 'install')
cmd_output('git', 'lfs', 'track', 'a.bin', 'b.bin')
# First add the file we're going to move
write_file('a.bin', 'a' * 10000)
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
cmd_output('git', 'commit', '-am', 'foo')
# Now move it and make sure the hook still succeeds
cmd_output('git', 'mv', 'a.bin', 'b.bin')
assert main(('--maxkb', '9', 'b.bin')) == 0