blob: ba33de135326a358929b5e10640f44d0822de6bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gn/xcode_writer.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/environment.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/sha1.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "gn/args.h"
#include "gn/build_settings.h"
#include "gn/builder.h"
#include "gn/commands.h"
#include "gn/deps_iterator.h"
#include "gn/filesystem_utils.h"
#include "gn/settings.h"
#include "gn/source_file.h"
#include "gn/target.h"
#include "gn/value.h"
#include "gn/variables.h"
#include "gn/xcode_object.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace {
enum TargetOsType {
const char* kXCTestFileSuffixes[] = {
const char kXCTestModuleTargetNamePostfix[] = "_module";
const char kXCUITestRunnerTargetNamePostfix[] = "_runner";
struct SafeEnvironmentVariableInfo {
const char* name;
bool capture_at_generation;
SafeEnvironmentVariableInfo kSafeEnvironmentVariables[] = {
{"HOME", true},
{"LANG", true},
{"PATH", true},
{"USER", true},
{"TMPDIR", false},
{"ICECC_VERSION", true},
TargetOsType GetTargetOs(const Args& args) {
const Value* target_os_value = args.GetArgOverride(variables::kTargetOs);
if (target_os_value) {
if (target_os_value->type() == Value::STRING) {
if (target_os_value->string_value() == "ios")
std::string GetNinjaExecutable(const std::string& ninja_executable) {
return ninja_executable.empty() ? "ninja" : ninja_executable;
std::string GetBuildScript(const std::string& target_name,
const std::string& ninja_executable,
const std::string& ninja_extra_args,
base::Environment* environment) {
std::stringstream script;
script << "echo note: \"Compile and copy " << target_name << " via ninja\"\n"
<< "exec ";
// Launch ninja with a sanitized environment (Xcode sets many environment
// variable overridding settings, including the SDK, thus breaking hermetic
// build).
script << "env -i ";
for (const auto& variable : kSafeEnvironmentVariables) {
script << << "=\"";
std::string value;
if (variable.capture_at_generation)
environment->GetVar(, &value);
if (!value.empty())
script << value;
script << "$" <<;
script << "\" ";
script << GetNinjaExecutable(ninja_executable) << " -C .";
if (!ninja_extra_args.empty())
script << " " << ninja_extra_args;
if (!target_name.empty())
script << " " << target_name;
script << "\nexit 1\n";
return script.str();
bool IsApplicationTarget(const Target* target) {
return target->output_type() == Target::CREATE_BUNDLE &&
target->bundle_data().product_type() ==
bool IsXCUITestRunnerTarget(const Target* target) {
return IsApplicationTarget(target) &&
bool IsXCTestModuleTarget(const Target* target) {
return target->output_type() == Target::CREATE_BUNDLE &&
target->bundle_data().product_type() ==
"" &&
base::EndsWith(target->label().name(), kXCTestModuleTargetNamePostfix,
bool IsXCUITestModuleTarget(const Target* target) {
return target->output_type() == Target::CREATE_BUNDLE &&
target->bundle_data().product_type() ==
"" &&
base::EndsWith(target->label().name(), kXCTestModuleTargetNamePostfix,
bool IsXCTestFile(const SourceFile& file) {
std::string file_name = file.GetName();
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(kXCTestFileSuffixes); ++i) {
if (base::EndsWith(file_name, kXCTestFileSuffixes[i],
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
return true;
return false;
// Finds the application target from its target name.
std::optional<std::pair<const Target*, PBXNativeTarget*>>
const ParseNode* node,
const std::string& target_name,
const std::map<const Target*, PBXNativeTarget*>& targets,
Err* err) {
for (auto& pair : targets) {
const Target* target = pair.first;
if (target->label().name() == target_name) {
if (!IsApplicationTarget(target)) {
*err = Err(node, "host application target \"" + target_name +
"\" not an application bundle");
return std::nullopt;
return pair;
*err =
Err(node, "cannot find host application bundle \"" + target_name + "\"");
return std::nullopt;
// Adds |base_pbxtarget| as a dependency of |dependent_pbxtarget| in the
// generated Xcode project.
void AddPBXTargetDependency(const PBXTarget* base_pbxtarget,
PBXTarget* dependent_pbxtarget,
const PBXProject* project) {
auto container_item_proxy =
std::make_unique<PBXContainerItemProxy>(project, base_pbxtarget);
auto dependency = std::make_unique<PBXTargetDependency>(
base_pbxtarget, std::move(container_item_proxy));
// Helper class to resolve list of XCTest files per target.
// Uses a cache of file found per intermediate targets to reduce the need
// to shared targets multiple times. It is recommended to reuse the same
// object to resolve all the targets for a project.
class XCTestFilesResolver {
// Returns a set of all XCTest files for |target|. The returned reference
// may be invalidated the next time this method is called.
const SourceFileSet& SearchFilesForTarget(const Target* target);
std::map<const Target*, SourceFileSet> cache_;
XCTestFilesResolver::XCTestFilesResolver() = default;
XCTestFilesResolver::~XCTestFilesResolver() = default;
const SourceFileSet& XCTestFilesResolver::SearchFilesForTarget(
const Target* target) {
// Early return if already visited and processed.
auto iter = cache_.find(target);
if (iter != cache_.end())
return iter->second;
SourceFileSet xctest_files;
for (const SourceFile& file : target->sources()) {
if (IsXCTestFile(file)) {
// Call recursively on public and private deps.
for (const auto& t : target->public_deps()) {
const SourceFileSet& deps_xctest_files = SearchFilesForTarget(t.ptr);
xctest_files.insert(deps_xctest_files.begin(), deps_xctest_files.end());
for (const auto& t : target->private_deps()) {
const SourceFileSet& deps_xctest_files = SearchFilesForTarget(t.ptr);
xctest_files.insert(deps_xctest_files.begin(), deps_xctest_files.end());
auto insert = cache_.insert(std::make_pair(target, xctest_files));
return insert.first->second;
// Add xctest files to the "Compiler Sources" of corresponding test module
// native targets.
void AddXCTestFilesToTestModuleTarget(const SourceFileSet& xctest_file_list,
PBXNativeTarget* native_target,
PBXProject* project,
SourceDir source_dir,
const BuildSettings* build_settings) {
for (const SourceFile& source : xctest_file_list) {
std::string source_path = RebasePath(source.value(), source_dir,
// Test files need to be known to Xcode for proper indexing and for
// discovery of tests function for XCTest and XCUITest, but the compilation
// is done via ninja and thus must prevent Xcode from compiling the files by
// adding '-help' as per file compiler flag.
project->AddSourceFile(source_path, source_path, CompilerFlags::HELP,
// Helper class to collect all PBXObject per class.
class CollectPBXObjectsPerClassHelper : public PBXObjectVisitorConst {
CollectPBXObjectsPerClassHelper() = default;
void Visit(const PBXObject* object) override {
const std::map<PBXObjectClass, std::vector<const PBXObject*>>&
objects_per_class() const {
return objects_per_class_;
std::map<PBXObjectClass, std::vector<const PBXObject*>> objects_per_class_;
std::map<PBXObjectClass, std::vector<const PBXObject*>>
CollectPBXObjectsPerClass(const PBXProject* project) {
CollectPBXObjectsPerClassHelper visitor;
return visitor.objects_per_class();
// Helper class to assign unique ids to all PBXObject.
class RecursivelyAssignIdsHelper : public PBXObjectVisitor {
RecursivelyAssignIdsHelper(const std::string& seed)
: seed_(seed), counter_(0) {}
void Visit(PBXObject* object) override {
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << seed_ << " " << object->Name() << " " << counter_;
std::string hash = base::SHA1HashString(buffer.str());
DCHECK_EQ(hash.size() % 4, 0u);
uint32_t id[3] = {0, 0, 0};
const uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(;
for (size_t i = 0; i < hash.size() / 4; i++)
id[i % 3] ^= ptr[i];
object->SetId(base::HexEncode(id, sizeof(id)));
std::string seed_;
int64_t counter_;
void RecursivelyAssignIds(PBXProject* project) {
RecursivelyAssignIdsHelper visitor(project->Name());
// Returns a configuration name derived from the build directory. This gives
// standard names if using the Xcode convention of naming the build directory
// out/$configuration-$platform (e.g. out/Debug-iphonesimulator).
std::string ConfigNameFromBuildSettings(const BuildSettings* build_settings) {
std::string config_name = FilePathToUTF8(build_settings->build_dir()
std::string::size_type separator = config_name.find('-');
if (separator != std::string::npos)
config_name = config_name.substr(0, separator);
return config_name;
// Returns the path to root_src_dir from settings.
std::string SourcePathFromBuildSettings(const BuildSettings* build_settings) {
return RebasePath("//", build_settings->build_dir());
// Returns the default attributes for the project from settings.
PBXAttributes ProjectAttributesFromBuildSettings(
const BuildSettings* build_settings) {
const TargetOsType target_os = GetTargetOs(build_settings->build_args());
PBXAttributes attributes;
switch (target_os) {
attributes["SDKROOT"] = "iphoneos";
attributes["TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY"] = "1,2";
attributes["SDKROOT"] = "macosx";
return attributes;
} // namespace
// Class corresponding to the "Products" project in the generated workspace.
class XcodeProject {
XcodeProject(const BuildSettings* build_settings,
XcodeWriter::Options options,
const std::string& name);
// Recursively finds "source" files from |builder| and adds them to the
// project (this includes more than just text source files, e.g. images
// in resources, ...).
bool AddSourcesFromBuilder(const Builder& builder, Err* err);
// Recursively finds targets from |builder| and adds them to the project.
// Only targets of type CREATE_BUNDLE or EXECUTABLE are kept since they
// are the only one that can be run and thus debugged from Xcode.
bool AddTargetsFromBuilder(const Builder& builder, Err* err);
// Assigns ids to all PBXObject that were added to the project. Must be
// called before calling WriteFile().
bool AssignIds(Err* err);
// Generates the project file and the .xcodeproj file to disk if updated
// (i.e. if the generated project is identical to the currently existing
// one, it is not overwritten).
bool WriteFile(Err* err) const;
// Finds all targets that needs to be generated for the project (applies
// the filter passed via |options|).
std::optional<std::vector<const Target*>> GetTargetsFromBuilder(
const Builder& builder,
Err* err) const;
// Adds a target of type EXECUTABLE to the project.
PBXNativeTarget* AddBinaryTarget(const Target* target,
base::Environment* env,
Err* err);
// Adds a target of type CREATE_BUNDLE to the project.
PBXNativeTarget* AddBundleTarget(const Target* target,
base::Environment* env,
Err* err);
// Adds the XCTest source files for all test xctest or xcuitest module target
// to allow Xcode to index the list of tests (thus allowing to run individual
// tests from Xcode UI).
bool AddCXTestSourceFilesForTestModuleTargets(
const std::map<const Target*, PBXNativeTarget*>& bundle_targets,
Err* err);
// Adds the corresponding test application target as dependency of xctest or
// xcuitest module target in the generated Xcode project.
bool AddDependencyTargetsForTestModuleTargets(
const std::map<const Target*, PBXNativeTarget*>& bundle_targets,
Err* err);
// Generates the content of the .xcodeproj file into |out|.
void WriteFileContent(std::ostream& out) const;
const BuildSettings* build_settings_;
XcodeWriter::Options options_;
PBXProject project_;
XcodeProject::XcodeProject(const BuildSettings* build_settings,
XcodeWriter::Options options,
const std::string& name)
: build_settings_(build_settings),
ProjectAttributesFromBuildSettings(build_settings)) {}
XcodeProject::~XcodeProject() = default;
bool XcodeProject::AddSourcesFromBuilder(const Builder& builder, Err* err) {
SourceFileSet sources;
// Add sources from all targets.
for (const Target* target : builder.GetAllResolvedTargets()) {
for (const SourceFile& source : target->sources()) {
if (IsStringInOutputDir(build_settings_->build_dir(), source.value()))
if (IsPathAbsolute(source.value()))
for (const SourceFile& source : target->public_headers()) {
if (IsStringInOutputDir(build_settings_->build_dir(), source.value()))
if (IsPathAbsolute(source.value()))
std::vector<SourceFile> sorted_sources(sources.begin(), sources.end());
std::sort(sorted_sources.begin(), sorted_sources.end());
const SourceDir source_dir("//");
for (const SourceFile& source : sorted_sources) {
const std::string source_file = RebasePath(
source.value(), source_dir, build_settings_->root_path_utf8());
project_.AddSourceFileToIndexingTarget(source_file, source_file,
return true;
bool XcodeProject::AddTargetsFromBuilder(const Builder& builder, Err* err) {
std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> env(base::Environment::Create());
GetBuildScript(options_.root_target_name, options_.ninja_executable,
options_.ninja_extra_args, env.get()));
const std::optional<std::vector<const Target*>> targets =
GetTargetsFromBuilder(builder, err);
if (!targets)
return false;
std::map<const Target*, PBXNativeTarget*> bundle_targets;
const TargetOsType target_os = GetTargetOs(build_settings_->build_args());
for (const Target* target : *targets) {
PBXNativeTarget* native_target = nullptr;
switch (target->output_type()) {
case Target::EXECUTABLE:
if (target_os == WRITER_TARGET_OS_IOS)
native_target = AddBinaryTarget(target, env.get(), err);
if (!native_target)
return false;
case Target::CREATE_BUNDLE: {
if (target->bundle_data().product_type().empty())
// For XCUITest, two CREATE_BUNDLE targets are generated:
// ${target_name}_runner and ${target_name}_module, however, Xcode
// requires only one target named ${target_name} to run tests.
if (IsXCUITestRunnerTarget(target))
native_target = AddBundleTarget(target, env.get(), err);
if (!native_target)
return false;
bundle_targets.insert(std::make_pair(target, native_target));
if (!AddCXTestSourceFilesForTestModuleTargets(bundle_targets, err))
return false;
// Adding the corresponding test application target as a dependency of xctest
// or xcuitest module target in the generated Xcode project so that the
// application target is re-compiled when compiling the test module target.
if (!AddDependencyTargetsForTestModuleTargets(bundle_targets, err))
return false;
return true;
bool XcodeProject::AddCXTestSourceFilesForTestModuleTargets(
const std::map<const Target*, PBXNativeTarget*>& bundle_targets,
Err* err) {
const SourceDir source_dir("//");
// Needs to search for xctest files under the application targets, and this
// variable is used to store the results of visited targets, thus making the
// search more efficient.
XCTestFilesResolver resolver;
for (const auto& pair : bundle_targets) {
const Target* target = pair.first;
if (!IsXCTestModuleTarget(target) && !IsXCUITestModuleTarget(target))
// For XCTest, test files are compiled into the application bundle.
// For XCUITest, test files are compiled into the test module bundle.
const Target* target_with_xctest_files = nullptr;
if (IsXCTestModuleTarget(target)) {
auto app_pair = FindApplicationTargetByName(
target->bundle_data().xcode_test_application_name(), bundle_targets,
if (!app_pair)
return false;
target_with_xctest_files = app_pair.value().first;
} else {
target_with_xctest_files = target;
const SourceFileSet& xctest_file_list =
// Add xctest files to the "Compiler Sources" of corresponding xctest
// and xcuitest native targets for proper indexing and for discovery of
// tests function.
AddXCTestFilesToTestModuleTarget(xctest_file_list, pair.second, &project_,
source_dir, build_settings_);
return true;
bool XcodeProject::AddDependencyTargetsForTestModuleTargets(
const std::map<const Target*, PBXNativeTarget*>& bundle_targets,
Err* err) {
for (const auto& pair : bundle_targets) {
const Target* target = pair.first;
if (!IsXCTestModuleTarget(target) && !IsXCUITestModuleTarget(target))
auto app_pair = FindApplicationTargetByName(
target->bundle_data().xcode_test_application_name(), bundle_targets,
if (!app_pair)
return false;
AddPBXTargetDependency(app_pair.value().second, pair.second, &project_);
return true;
bool XcodeProject::AssignIds(Err* err) {
return true;
bool XcodeProject::WriteFile(Err* err) const {
SourceFile pbxproj_file = build_settings_->build_dir().ResolveRelativeFile(
Value(nullptr, project_.Name() + ".xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"), err);
if (pbxproj_file.is_null())
return false;
std::stringstream pbxproj_string_out;
return WriteFileIfChanged(build_settings_->GetFullPath(pbxproj_file),
pbxproj_string_out.str(), err);
std::optional<std::vector<const Target*>> XcodeProject::GetTargetsFromBuilder(
const Builder& builder,
Err* err) const {
std::vector<const Target*> all_targets = builder.GetAllResolvedTargets();
// Filter targets according to the dir_filters_string if defined.
if (!options_.dir_filters_string.empty()) {
std::vector<LabelPattern> filters;
if (!commands::FilterPatternsFromString(
build_settings_, options_.dir_filters_string, &filters, err)) {
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<const Target*> unfiltered_targets;
std::swap(unfiltered_targets, all_targets);
commands::FilterTargetsByPatterns(unfiltered_targets, filters,
// Filter out all target of type EXECUTABLE that are direct dependency of
// a BUNDLE_DATA target (under the assumption that they will be part of a
// CREATE_BUNDLE target generating an application bundle).
std::set<const Target*> targets(all_targets.begin(), all_targets.end());
for (const Target* target : all_targets) {
if (!target->settings()->is_default())
if (target->output_type() != Target::BUNDLE_DATA)
for (const auto& pair : target->GetDeps(Target::DEPS_LINKED)) {
if (pair.ptr->output_type() != Target::EXECUTABLE)
auto iter = targets.find(pair.ptr);
if (iter != targets.end())
// Sort the list of targets per-label to get a consistent ordering of them
// in the generated Xcode project (and thus stability of the file generated).
std::vector<const Target*> sorted_targets(targets.begin(), targets.end());
std::sort(sorted_targets.begin(), sorted_targets.end(),
[](const Target* lhs, const Target* rhs) {
return lhs->label() < rhs->label();
return sorted_targets;
PBXNativeTarget* XcodeProject::AddBinaryTarget(const Target* target,
base::Environment* env,
Err* err) {
DCHECK_EQ(target->output_type(), Target::EXECUTABLE);
return project_.AddNativeTarget(
target->label().name(), "compiled.mach-o.executable",
target->output_name().empty() ? target->label().name()
: target->output_name(),
GetBuildScript(target->label().name(), options_.ninja_executable,
options_.ninja_extra_args, env));
PBXNativeTarget* XcodeProject::AddBundleTarget(const Target* target,
base::Environment* env,
Err* err) {
DCHECK_EQ(target->output_type(), Target::CREATE_BUNDLE);
std::string pbxtarget_name = target->label().name();
if (IsXCUITestModuleTarget(target)) {
std::string target_name = target->label().name();
pbxtarget_name = target_name.substr(
0, target_name.rfind(kXCTestModuleTargetNamePostfix));
PBXAttributes xcode_extra_attributes =
const std::string& target_output_name = RebasePath(
return project_.AddNativeTarget(
pbxtarget_name, std::string(), target_output_name,
GetBuildScript(pbxtarget_name, options_.ninja_executable,
options_.ninja_extra_args, env),
void XcodeProject::WriteFileContent(std::ostream& out) const {
out << "// !$*UTF8*$!\n"
<< "{\n"
<< "\tarchiveVersion = 1;\n"
<< "\tclasses = {\n"
<< "\t};\n"
<< "\tobjectVersion = 46;\n"
<< "\tobjects = {\n";
for (auto& pair : CollectPBXObjectsPerClass(&project_)) {
out << "\n"
<< "/* Begin " << ToString(pair.first) << " section */\n";
std::sort(pair.second.begin(), pair.second.end(),
[](const PBXObject* a, const PBXObject* b) {
return a->id() < b->id();
for (auto* object : pair.second) {
object->Print(out, 2);
out << "/* End " << ToString(pair.first) << " section */\n";
out << "\t};\n"
<< "\trootObject = " << project_.Reference() << ";\n"
<< "}\n";
// Class corresponding to the generated workspace.
class XcodeWorkspace {
XcodeWorkspace(const BuildSettings* settings, XcodeWriter::Options options);
// Adds a project to the workspace.
XcodeProject* CreateProject(const std::string& name);
// Generates the workspace file and the .xcworkspace file to disk if updated
// (i.e. if the generated workspace is identical to the currently existing
// one, it is not overwritten).
bool WriteFile(Err* err) const;
// Generates the content of the .xcworkspace file into |out|.
void WriteFileContent(std::ostream& out) const;
// Returns the name of the workspace.
const std::string& Name() const;
const BuildSettings* build_settings_;
XcodeWriter::Options options_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<XcodeProject>> projects_;
XcodeWorkspace::XcodeWorkspace(const BuildSettings* build_settings,
XcodeWriter::Options options)
: build_settings_(build_settings), options_(options) {}
XcodeWorkspace::~XcodeWorkspace() = default;
XcodeProject* XcodeWorkspace::CreateProject(const std::string& name) {
DCHECK(!base::ContainsKey(projects_, name));
name, std::make_unique<XcodeProject>(build_settings_, options_, name)));
auto iter = projects_.find(name);
DCHECK(iter != projects_.end());
return iter->second.get();
bool XcodeWorkspace::WriteFile(Err* err) const {
SourceFile xcworkspacedata_file =
Value(nullptr, Name() + ".xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata"),
if (xcworkspacedata_file.is_null())
return false;
std::stringstream xcworkspacedata_string_out;
return WriteFileIfChanged(build_settings_->GetFullPath(xcworkspacedata_file),
xcworkspacedata_string_out.str(), err);
void XcodeWorkspace::WriteFileContent(std::ostream& out) const {
out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
<< "<Workspace version = \"1.0\">\n";
for (const auto& pair : projects_) {
out << " <FileRef location = \"group:" << pair.first
<< ".xcodeproj\"></FileRef>\n";
out << "</Workspace>\n";
const std::string& XcodeWorkspace::Name() const {
static std::string all("all");
return !options_.workspace_name.empty() ? options_.workspace_name : all;
// static
bool XcodeWriter::RunAndWriteFiles(const BuildSettings* build_settings,
const Builder& builder,
Options options,
Err* err) {
XcodeWorkspace workspace(build_settings, options);
XcodeProject* products = workspace.CreateProject("products");
if (!products->AddSourcesFromBuilder(builder, err))
return false;
if (!products->AddTargetsFromBuilder(builder, err))
return false;
if (!products->AssignIds(err))
return false;
if (!products->WriteFile(err))
return false;
if (!workspace.WriteFile(err))
return false;
return true;