blob: 671f797398419e5a997d2954a071d1faf983a7c1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- */
"use strict";
// RAII types within which we should assume GC is suppressed, eg
// AutoSuppressGC.
var GCSuppressionTypes = [];
// Ignore calls made through these function pointers
var ignoreIndirectCalls = {
"mallocSizeOf" : true,
"aMallocSizeOf" : true,
"_malloc_message" : true,
"je_malloc_message" : true,
"chunk_dalloc" : true,
"chunk_alloc" : true,
"__conv" : true,
"__convf" : true,
"prerrortable.c:callback_newtable" : true,
"mozalloc_oom.cpp:void (* gAbortHandler)(size_t)" : true,
function indirectCallCannotGC(fullCaller, fullVariable)
var caller = readable(fullCaller);
// This is usually a simple variable name, but sometimes a full name gets
// passed through. And sometimes that name is truncated. Examples:
// _ZL13gAbortHandler|mozalloc_oom.cpp:void (* gAbortHandler)(size_t)
// _ZL14pMutexUnlockFn|umutex.cpp:void (* pMutexUnlockFn)(const void*
var name = readable(fullVariable);
if (name in ignoreIndirectCalls)
return true;
if (name == "mapper" && caller == "ptio.c:pt_MapError")
return true;
if (name == "params" && caller == "PR_ExplodeTime")
return true;
if (name == "op" && /GetWeakmapKeyDelegate/.test(caller))
return true;
// hook called during script finalization which cannot GC.
if (/CallDestroyScriptHook/.test(caller))
return true;
// template method called during marking and hence cannot GC
if (name == "op" && caller.indexOf("bool js::WeakMap<Key, Value, HashPolicy>::keyNeedsMark(JSObject*)") != -1)
return true;
return false;
// Ignore calls through functions pointers with these types
var ignoreClasses = {
"JSStringFinalizer" : true,
"SprintfState" : true,
"SprintfStateStr" : true,
"JSLocaleCallbacks" : true,
"JSC::ExecutableAllocator" : true,
"PRIOMethods": true,
"XPCOMFunctions" : true, // I'm a little unsure of this one
"_MD_IOVector" : true,
"malloc_table_t": true, // replace_malloc
"malloc_hook_table_t": true, // replace_malloc
// Ignore calls through TYPE.FIELD, where TYPE is the class or struct name containing
// a function pointer field named FIELD.
var ignoreCallees = {
"js::Class.trace" : true,
"js::Class.finalize" : true,
"JSRuntime.destroyPrincipals" : true,
"icu_50::UObject.__deleting_dtor" : true, // destructors in ICU code can't cause GC
"mozilla::CycleCollectedJSRuntime.DescribeCustomObjects" : true, // During tracing, cannot GC.
"mozilla::CycleCollectedJSRuntime.NoteCustomGCThingXPCOMChildren" : true, // During tracing, cannot GC.
"PLDHashTableOps.hashKey" : true,
"z_stream_s.zfree" : true,
"z_stream_s.zalloc" : true,
"GrGLInterface.fCallback" : true,
"std::strstreambuf._M_alloc_fun" : true,
"std::strstreambuf._M_free_fun" : true,
"struct js::gc::Callback<void (*)(JSRuntime*, void*)>.op" : true,
function fieldCallCannotGC(csu, fullfield)
if (csu in ignoreClasses)
return true;
if (fullfield in ignoreCallees)
return true;
return false;
function ignoreEdgeUse(edge, variable, body)
// Horrible special case for ignoring a false positive in xptcstubs: there
// is a local variable 'paramBuffer' holding an array of nsXPTCMiniVariant
// on the stack, which appears to be live across a GC call because its
// constructor is called when the array is initialized, even though the
// constructor is a no-op. So we'll do a very narrow exclusion for the use
// that incorrectly started the live range, which was basically "__temp_1 =
// paramBuffer".
// By scoping it so narrowly, we can detect most hazards that would be
// caused by modifications in the PrepareAndDispatch code. It just barely
// avoids having a hazard already.
if (('Name' in variable) && (variable.Name[0] == 'paramBuffer')) {
if (body.BlockId.Kind == 'Function' && body.BlockId.Variable.Name[0] == 'PrepareAndDispatch')
if (edge.Kind == 'Assign' && edge.Type.Kind == 'Pointer')
if (edge.Exp[0].Kind == 'Var' && edge.Exp[1].Kind == 'Var')
if (edge.Exp[1].Variable.Kind == 'Local' && edge.Exp[1].Variable.Name[0] == 'paramBuffer')
return true;
// Functions which should not be treated as using variable.
if (edge.Kind == "Call") {
var callee = edge.Exp[0];
if (callee.Kind == "Var") {
var name = callee.Variable.Name[0];
if (/~DebugOnly/.test(name))
return true;
if (/~ScopedThreadSafeStringInspector/.test(name))
return true;
return false;
function ignoreEdgeAddressTaken(edge)
// Functions which may take indirect pointers to unrooted GC things,
// but will copy them into rooted locations before calling anything
// that can GC. These parameters should usually be replaced with
// handles or mutable handles.
if (edge.Kind == "Call") {
var callee = edge.Exp[0];
if (callee.Kind == "Var") {
var name = callee.Variable.Name[0];
if (/js::Invoke\(/.test(name))
return true;
return false;
// Return whether csu.method is one that we claim can never GC.
function isSuppressedVirtualMethod(csu, method)
return csu == "nsISupports" && (method == "AddRef" || method == "Release");
// Ignore calls of these functions (so ignore any stack containing these)
var ignoreFunctions = {
"ptio.c:pt_MapError" : true,
"je_malloc_printf" : true,
"PR_ExplodeTime" : true,
"PR_ErrorInstallTable" : true,
"PR_SetThreadPrivate" : true,
"JSObject* js::GetWeakmapKeyDelegate(JSObject*)" : true, // FIXME: mark with AutoSuppressGCAnalysis instead
"uint8 NS_IsMainThread()" : true,
// Has an indirect call under it by the name "__f", which seemed too
// generic to ignore by itself.
"void* std::_Locale_impl::~_Locale_impl(int32)" : true,
// Bug 1056410 - devirtualization prevents the standard nsISupports::Release heuristic from working
"uint32 nsXPConnect::Release()" : true,
"NS_LogInit": true,
"NS_LogTerm": true,
"NS_LogAddRef": true,
"NS_LogRelease": true,
"NS_LogCtor": true,
"NS_LogDtor": true,
"NS_LogCOMPtrAddRef": true,
"NS_LogCOMPtrRelease": true,
"NS_DebugBreak": true,
// These are a little overzealous -- these destructors *can* GC if they end
// up wrapping a pending exception. See bug 898815 for the heavyweight fix.
"void js::AutoCompartment::~AutoCompartment(int32)" : true,
"void JSAutoCompartment::~JSAutoCompartment(int32)" : true,
// Bug 948646 - the only thing AutoJSContext's constructor calls
// is an Init() routine whose entire body is covered with an
// AutoSuppressGCAnalysis. AutoSafeJSContext is the same thing, just with
// a different value for the 'aSafe' parameter.
"void mozilla::AutoJSContext::AutoJSContext(mozilla::detail::GuardObjectNotifier*)" : true,
"void mozilla::AutoSafeJSContext::~AutoSafeJSContext(int32)" : true,
// And these are workarounds to avoid even more analysis work,
// which would sadly still be needed even with bug 898815.
"void js::AutoCompartment::AutoCompartment(js::ExclusiveContext*, JSCompartment*)": true,
// The nsScriptNameSpaceManager functions can't actually GC. They
// just use a PLDHashTable which has function pointers, which makes the
// analysis think maybe they can.
"nsGlobalNameStruct* nsScriptNameSpaceManager::LookupNavigatorName(nsAString_internal*)": true,
"nsGlobalNameStruct* nsScriptNameSpaceManager::LookupName(nsAString_internal*, uint16**)": true,
// Similar to heap snapshot mock classes, and GTests below. This posts a
// synchronous runnable when a GTest fails, and we are pretty sure that the
// particular runnable it posts can't even GC, but the analysis isn't
// currently smart enough to determine that. In either case, this is (a)
// only in GTests, and (b) only when the Gtest has already failed. We have
// static and dynamic checks for no GC in the non-test code, and in the test
// code we fall back to only the dynamic checks.
"void test::RingbufferDumper::OnTestPartResult(testing::TestPartResult*)" : true,
"float64 JS_GetCurrentEmbedderTime()" : true,
"uint64 js::TenuringTracer::moveObjectToTenured(JSObject*, JSObject*, int32)" : true,
"uint32 js::TenuringTracer::moveObjectToTenured(JSObject*, JSObject*, int32)" : true,
function isProtobuf(name)
return name.match(/\bgoogle::protobuf\b/) ||
function isHeapSnapshotMockClass(name)
return name.match(/\bMockWriter\b/) ||
function isGTest(name)
return name.match(/\btesting::/);
function ignoreGCFunction(mangled)
assert(mangled in readableNames);
var fun = readableNames[mangled][0];
if (fun in ignoreFunctions)
return true;
// The protobuf library, and [de]serialization code generated by the
// protobuf compiler, uses a _ton_ of function pointers but they are all
// internal. Easiest to just ignore that mess here.
if (isProtobuf(fun))
return true;
// Ignore anything that goes through heap snapshot GTests or mocked classes
// used in heap snapshot GTests. GTest and GMock expose a lot of virtual
// methods and function pointers that could potentially GC after an
// assertion has already failed (depending on user-provided code), but don't
// exhibit that behavior currently. For non-test code, we have dynamic and
// static checks that ensure we don't GC. However, for test code we opt out
// of static checks here, because of the above stated GMock/GTest issues,
// and rely on only the dynamic checks provided by AutoAssertCannotGC.
if (isHeapSnapshotMockClass(fun) || isGTest(fun))
return true;
// Templatized function
if (fun.indexOf("void nsCOMPtr<T>::Assert_NoQueryNeeded()") >= 0)
return true;
// These call through an 'op' function pointer.
if (fun.indexOf("js::WeakMap<Key, Value, HashPolicy>::getDelegate(") >= 0)
return true;
// XXX modify refillFreeList<NoGC> to not need data flow analysis to understand it cannot GC.
if (/refillFreeList/.test(fun) && /\(js::AllowGC\)0u/.test(fun))
return true;
return false;
function stripUCSAndNamespace(name)
name = name.replace(/(struct|class|union|const) /g, "");
name = name.replace(/(js::ctypes::|js::|JS::|mozilla::dom::|mozilla::)/g, "");
return name;
function isRootedGCTypeName(name)
return (name == "JSAddonId");
function isRootedGCPointerTypeName(name)
name = stripUCSAndNamespace(name);
if (name.startsWith('MaybeRooted<'))
return /\(js::AllowGC\)1u>::RootType/.test(name);
if (name == "ErrorResult" ||
name == "JSErrorResult" ||
name == "WrappableJSErrorResult" ||
name == "frontend::TokenStream" ||
name == "frontend::TokenStream::Position" ||
name == "ModuleValidator")
return true;
return name.startsWith('Rooted') || name.startsWith('PersistentRooted');
function isRootedTypeName(name)
return isRootedGCTypeName(name) || isRootedGCPointerTypeName(name);
function isUnsafeStorage(typeName)
typeName = stripUCSAndNamespace(typeName);
return typeName.startsWith('UniquePtr<');
function isSuppressConstructor(funcName)
let [ qualifiedFunction, unqualifiedFunction ] = funcName;
let [ mangled, unmangled ] = splitFunction(qualifiedFunction);
if (!mangled.match(/C\dE/))
return false; // Constructors have C1E (or C4E etc.) in their mangled names
let m = unmangled.match(/((\w+)(<.*>)?)::\2\(/); // Foo<T>::Foo
if (!m)
return false;
let classType = m[1]; // Foo<T>
for (let type of GCSuppressionTypes) {
// type is something like class js::Foo<T>
if (type.endsWith(classType)) {
// Screen out js::OtherFoo
if (type == classType || type.endsWith("::" + classType) || type.endsWith(" " + classType))
return true;
return false;
// nsISupports subclasses' methods may be scriptable (or overridden
// via binary XPCOM), and so may GC. But some fields just aren't going
// to get overridden with something that can GC.
function isOverridableField(initialCSU, csu, field)
if (csu != 'nsISupports')
return false;
if (field == 'GetCurrentJSContext')
return false;
if (field == 'IsOnCurrentThread')
return false;
if (field == 'GetNativeContext')
return false;
if (field == "GetGlobalJSObject")
return false;
if (field == "GetIsMainThread")
return false;
if (initialCSU == 'nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder' && field == 'GetJSObject')
return false;
if (initialCSU == 'nsIXPConnect' && field == 'GetSafeJSContext')
return false;
if (initialCSU == 'nsIScriptContext') {
if (field == 'GetWindowProxy' || field == 'GetWindowProxyPreserveColor')
return false;
return true;
function listNonGCPointers() {
return [
// Safe only because jsids are currently only made from pinned strings.