blob: 4e6d4555a37bcdf2b796775b14a045b677cd1b26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// Statistics for the internals of the tracing service.
// Next id: 17.
message TraceStats {
// From TraceBuffer::Stats.
// Next id: 20.
message BufferStats {
// Size of the circular buffer in bytes.
optional uint64 buffer_size = 12;
// Num. bytes written into the circular buffer, including chunk headers.
optional uint64 bytes_written = 1;
// Num. bytes overwritten before they have been read (i.e. loss of data).
optional uint64 bytes_overwritten = 13;
// Total size of chunks that were fully read from the circular buffer by the
// consumer. This may not be equal to |bytes_written| either in the middle
// of tracing, or if |chunks_overwritten| is non-zero. Note that this is the
// size of the chunks read from the buffer, including chunk headers, which
// will be different from the total size of packets returned to the
// consumer.
// The current utilization of the trace buffer (mid-tracing) can be obtained
// by subtracting |bytes_read| and |bytes_overwritten| from |bytes_written|,
// adding the difference of |padding_bytes_written| and
// |padding_bytes_cleared|, and comparing this sum to the |buffer_size|.
// Note that this represents the total size of buffered data in the buffer,
// yet this data may be spread non-contiguously through the buffer and may
// be overridden before the utilization reaches 100%.
optional uint64 bytes_read = 14;
// Num. bytes that were allocated as padding between chunks in the circular
// buffer.
optional uint64 padding_bytes_written = 15;
// Num. of padding bytes that were removed from the circular buffer when
// they were overwritten.
// The difference between |padding_bytes_written| and
// |padding_bytes_cleared| denotes the total size of padding currently
// present in the buffer.
optional uint64 padding_bytes_cleared = 16;
// Num. chunks (!= packets) written into the buffer.
optional uint64 chunks_written = 2;
// Num. chunks (!= packets) rewritten into the buffer. This means we rewrote
// the same chunk with additional packets appended to the end.
optional uint64 chunks_rewritten = 10;
// Num. chunks overwritten before they have been read (i.e. loss of data).
optional uint64 chunks_overwritten = 3;
// Num. chunks discarded (i.e. loss of data). Can be > 0 only when a buffer
// is configured with FillPolicy == DISCARD.
optional uint64 chunks_discarded = 18;
// Num. chunks (!= packets) that were fully read from the circular buffer by
// the consumer. This may not be equal to |chunks_written| either in the
// middle of tracing, or if |chunks_overwritten| is non-zero.
optional uint64 chunks_read = 17;
// Num. chunks that were committed out of order.
optional uint64 chunks_committed_out_of_order = 11;
// Num. times the ring buffer wrapped around.
optional uint64 write_wrap_count = 4;
// Num. out-of-band (OOB) patches that succeeded.
optional uint64 patches_succeeded = 5;
// Num. OOB patches that failed (e.g., the chunk to patch was gone).
optional uint64 patches_failed = 6;
// Num. readaheads (for large multi-chunk packet reads) that ended up in a
// successful packet read.
optional uint64 readaheads_succeeded = 7;
// Num. readaheads aborted because of missing chunks in the sequence stream.
// Note that a small number > 0 is totally expected: occasionally, when
// issuing a read, the very last packet in a sequence might be incomplete
// (because the producer is still writing it while we read). The read will
// stop at that point, for that sequence, increasing this counter.
optional uint64 readaheads_failed = 8;
// Num. of violations of the SharedMemoryABI found while writing or reading
// the buffer. This is an indication of either a bug in the producer(s) or
// malicious producer(s).
optional uint64 abi_violations = 9;
// The fields below have been introduced in Android R.
// Num. of times the service detected packet loss on a trace writer
// sequence. This is usually caused by exhaustion of available chunks in the
// writer process's SMB. Note that this relies on the client's TraceWriter
// indicating this loss to the service -- packets lost for other reasons are
// not reflected in this stat.
optional uint64 trace_writer_packet_loss = 19;
// Stats for the TraceBuffer(s) of the current trace session.
repeated BufferStats buffer_stats = 1;
// Per TraceWriter stat. Each {producer, trace writer} tuple is publicly
// visible as a unique sequence ID in the trace.
message WriterStats {
// This matches the TracePacket.trusted_packet_sequence_id and is used to
// correlate the stats with the actual packet types.
optional uint64 sequence_id = 1;
// These two arrays have the same cardinality and match the cardinality of
// chunk_payload_histogram_def + 1 (for the overflow bucket, see below).
// `sum` contains the SUM(entries) and `counts` contains the COUNT(entries)
// for each bucket.
repeated uint64 chunk_payload_histogram_counts = 2 [packed = true];
repeated int64 chunk_payload_histogram_sum = 3 [packed = true];
// The thresholds of each the `writer_stats` histogram buckets. This is
// emitted only once as all WriterStats share the same bucket layout.
// This field has the same cardinality of the
// `writer_stats.chunk_payload_histogram_{counts,sum}` - 1.
// (The -1 is because the last overflow bucket is not reported in the _def).
// An array of values [10, 100, 1000] in the _def array means that there are
// four buckets (3 + the implicit overflow bucket):
// [0]: x <= 10; [1]: 100 < x <= 1000; [2]: 1000 < x <= 1000; [3]: x > 1000.
repeated int64 chunk_payload_histogram_def = 17;
repeated WriterStats writer_stats = 18;
// Num. producers connected (whether they are involved in the current tracing
// session or not).
optional uint32 producers_connected = 2;
// Num. producers ever seen for all trace sessions since startup (it's a good
// proxy for inferring num. producers crashed / killed).
optional uint64 producers_seen = 3;
// Num. data sources registered for all trace sessions.
optional uint32 data_sources_registered = 4;
// Num. data sources ever seen for all trace sessions since startup.
optional uint64 data_sources_seen = 5;
// Num. concurrently active tracing sessions.
optional uint32 tracing_sessions = 6;
// Num. buffers for all tracing session (not just the current one). This will
// be >= buffer_stats.size(), because the latter is only about the current
// session.
optional uint32 total_buffers = 7;
// The fields below have been introduced in Android Q.
// Num. chunks that were discarded by the service before attempting to commit
// them to a buffer, e.g. because the producer specified an invalid buffer ID.
optional uint64 chunks_discarded = 8;
// Num. patches that were discarded by the service before attempting to apply
// them to a buffer, e.g. because the producer specified an invalid buffer ID.
optional uint64 patches_discarded = 9;
// Packets that failed validation of the TrustedPacket. If this is > 0, there
// is a bug in the producer.
optional uint64 invalid_packets = 10;
// This is set only when the TraceConfig specifies a TraceFilter.
message FilterStats {
optional uint64 input_packets = 1;
optional uint64 input_bytes = 2;
optional uint64 output_bytes = 3;
optional uint64 errors = 4;
optional FilterStats filter_stats = 11;
// Count of Flush() requests (either from the Consumer, or self-induced
// periodic flushes). The final Flush() is also included in the count.
optional uint64 flushes_requested = 12;
// The count of the Flush() requests that were completed successfully.
// In a well behaving trace this should always be == `flush_requests`.
optional uint64 flushes_succeeded = 13;
// The count of the Flush() requests that failed (in most timed out).
// In a well behaving trace this should always be == 0.
optional uint64 flushes_failed = 14;
enum FinalFlushOutcome {
optional FinalFlushOutcome final_flush_outcome = 15;